3GT Episode 282: Presbyterian Shepherding
Well, the boys are back together again! With all three of them on their mics, they jest about the worst episode ever, their Argentinian listeners (or lack thereof), and Barry’s ability (?) to sing 70's pop songs. But eventually they get down to business. For in this episode they discuss how Presbyterianism helps in the work of shepherding.
As Presbyterians, the guys believe that this form of church government helps in the work of caring for the flock of God. They talk about the importance of of the church being able to select their own pastors and elders as shepherds in the Presbyterian system. Then they discuss how feeding the flock God's Word is such an important part of the work, and how the accountability for teaching in the Presbyterian church is to be maintained. They then get into other Presbyterian distinctives, such as the plurality, parity, and connectivity of elders and how this affects the shepherding ministry. Throughout the episode, they also acknowledge that no system is perfect or better than the character of the men in leadership.
Join the 3GTers for a lively discussion on this topic as you tune into this episode!