Sovereignty and Evangelism

I recently sat across the table from a couple who knew nothing of the Bible, Jesus, or the Gospel. God had in His sovereign plan provided this meeting. The doors were open to share the good news. As I explained creation, fall, redemption, and consummation they politely listened. They had insightful questions about the justice of penal substitutionary atonement. As the conversation continued it became clear their hope was in being "good enough" for God to accept them. The conversation went to the law of God and our need to be saved by grace alone through faith alone. The stumbling block of Christ was set before them. The conversation moved on as kids needed attention.

What does all of this have to do with sovereignty? We can have assurance when we share the Gospel. Those who are His elect will respond with faith. There was no need to press an immediate decision. There was no sentimental music to be played. No sinners prayer was offered. Easy beliefism can be avoided. God can give us peace in our hearts as we present the Gospel and trust in the Holy Spirit to do His work.

The power of God unto salvation is not emotional manipulation. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Christian, you can have confidence that God is in the business of saving his people. There is a weight lifted off the Christian's shoulders when we realize salvation is God's work. Fatih comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So, we must open our mouths. But, if we are faithful in that divine appointment He does His work. Salvation does not hinge on your eloquence. Eternity does not depend on our persuasiveness.

We've followed up with that family. I do not know if they do or will believe. Maybe that was just planting the seed. Maybe someone else will reap a harvest. Maybe the seed fell on hard soil. Only time will tell. What I do know, and what gives me comfort, is knowing that their souls are in the Lord's hand. If He has elected them, He will effectually call them to Himself. If He calls them unto Himself they will believe and profess faith in Christ. None of that is my responsibility. My responsibility is to continue to love and pray for them.

What a joy it is to believe in a sovereign God. He has not sent us on a fool's errand. He is faithful. He saves sinners. He uses foolish means to bring people to faith. What a joy it is to serve that type of sovereign King.