3GT Episode 312: Encountering the Christian Slog

As the three guys return to the studio, the prof has just mowed his lawn. He explains to the pastor and parishioner some trouble he had with his new riding lawn mower, which involved the tortoise and the hare on the throttle. From there, they move to the topic at hand – encountering the Christian slog.

The 3GTers define the slog as the dark and discouraging times Christians sometimes face. They describe its symptoms and the problems it brings to the Christian life. After referencing the Slough of Despond from Pilgrim’s Progress, they end up in a slough of their own making by discussing how to pronounce slough before getting back on track. They offer their listeners means that the Lord has provided to help leave the slog (no discrepancy in its pronunciation) and offer words of encouragement and promise as they conclude.

Feeling encumbered and weary in your Christian walk? Perhaps this episode of 3GT is just the help you need!
