Finding Freedom in God’s Providence

Last week, during our vacation, my family and I visited a new church. There, I met a man named Charles (I’ve changed his name for privacy). As we shared a meal after the service, Charles opened up about his recent journey into reformed theology. Our conversation eventually touched upon the profound and heartwarming topic of God’s providence.

You might be thinking, “Oh boy, another discussion about the providence of God…” But stick with me—this story is worth your time.

Charles recounted his experiences growing up in a large evangelical denomination where seeking specific guidance from God on every aspect of life was the norm. People would frequently ask questions like, “Who should I marry?”, “What job should I take?”, “What church should I attend?”, and even, “What food should I order?”

The quest for divine direction often led to paralysis in decision-making for many, as they awaited clear signs from God. Others, convinced they had received direct messages from God, sometimes made poor and even sinful decisions, believing them to be divinely sanctioned. No one could challenge these decisions because they were perceived as direct commands from God.

Reformed theology, however, offers a different perspective. Charles found comfort and confidence in God’s word and wisdom. Instead of seeking direct, unmediated divine guidance, we can turn to the Scriptures, seek biblical counsel, and make prayerful, principled decisions. We can trust that God, in His infinite wisdom, will providentially care for us.

What freedom this brought Charles! He no longer agonized over decisions but took comfort in knowing that God Himself was guiding his life. He could cling to the promises of Romans 8:28:

28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Knowing that our Heavenly Father cares for us brings immense joy. We have the freedom to make biblical choices, confident that He watches over us. When our decisions align with His word, we can move forward with assurance.

We do not need to be paralyzed by fear of the unknown. Our sovereign Father, who created all things, upholds, directs, disposes, and governs all creatures. Our Lord’s providence covers all actions and things, from the greatest to the least, by His most wise and holy providence.

Instead of prying into the secret will of God, our blessing is to rest in who He is, what He does, and what He has revealed to us. This trust in His providence frees us to live confidently and joyfully, knowing that He is always in control.