/ Gentle Reformation

3GT Episode 316: Seminary Kerfuffles

Scott’s back in the hosting seat after cruising with his beloved for their 25th, which he thoroughly enjoyed and so apologizes to Kyle for making fun of his cruise history. This leads the guys to discus the possibility of a 3GT cruise like other high profile ministries. Yet knowing the 3GT budget, they quickly get back to being content to record as usual. They then pick up on the latest internet kerfuffles regarding seminary education.

Scott asks the pastor and seminary president about the many objections raised about seminary training. They question whether seminary is necessary in this digital age, where vast theological resources are available online. The negative influence of seminaries growing liberal and distributing theological corruption is evidenced. Critics point out the high cost of seminary education (Carl Trueman's Follow the Money and Barry's response are referenced). Older men find it difficult to transplant their families for the years of seminary education. Other models of training are also mentioned as alternatives to the seminary.

With Scott firing away with these objections like the prosecuting attorney he is, the pastor and seminary president respond. A vigorous discussion ensues. While acknowledging that no model is perfect, Barry and Kyle give answers and add balance to the question of the importance of seminary education.

As all of God's people are impacted by the ministers that feed and shepherd them, every believer should become knowledgeable to a degree about pastoral training. So tune in to this episode of Three Guys Theologizing to learn more about this important topic!
