/ Nathan Eshelman

Stumbling & Unity

"At a time when offenses abound, we should take great care to nurture peace--namely, public church peace, or unity in the church. We should also respect the church's ordinances, particularly the ordinance of discipline... without unity church discipline has no weight. Also, stumbling blocks in their own nature tend to make divisions, and where unity is preserved, many people are kept on their feet who would otherwise fall. That is why the apostle gives the direction, 'Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another" (Romans 14:19). And that unity in the church must be a great restraint to offenses which are so opposite to edification."

James Durham, The Scandal of Stumbling Blocks, 62.

Nathan Eshelman

Nathan Eshelman

Pastor in Orlando, studied at Puritan Reformed Theological & Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminaries. One of the chambermen on the podcast The Jerusalem Chamber. Married to Lydia with 5 children.

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