Reproductive Bondage

(Note to GR readers: This short piece is primarily intended for local papers (word limit) but I pray that it will be helpful to GR readers also.  Please understand that I am not countenancing abortion in the least.  I am seeking to expose the gross brutality of those who clothe this abomination in politically seductive terms.  This is an effort to be serpent wise and dove innocent.  It is challenging to do both.)  

Adults in our country have the freedom to enjoy alcoholic beverages.  “Drink Responsibly” is frequently appended to advertisements for these things along with information to help those who are addicted to them.  After one or two mixed drinks or glasses of wine, or two or three beers, drinkers must stop or become a danger to themselves and others.  If inebriation is evident in a public establishment, servers have the authority and responsibility to cut off a customer’s further indulgence.  

“Reproductive Freedom” is a ubiquitous political advertisement with abortion foremost in mind.  But this popular message has no encouragement to exercise this freedom responsibly nor any information to help those who over-indulge themselves in abortion and harden themselves to the gravity of this procedure for themselves and others.  Surely, someone who has two or three abortions is irresponsible, especially when so many other options for reproductive freedom are available.  How many abortions are too many?  Is there no limit at all?  If “reproductive freedom” does not include a limit on the number of abortions any one person may have, it is a license for mass killing.  If you consider the product of conception to be the moral equivalent of a turkey in the woods, even game hunters have a legal limit!  

Those who advocate for the freedom to abort should at least encourage the responsible use of this freedom, strongly prioritize alternatives to abortion, articulate a means to limit the number of abortions any one person may have, and provide information and assistance to help those who are addicted to this method.  “Reproductive Freedom” is a euphemism for reproductive brutality if limits are not set and alternatives are not required.  

Drink Responsibly.  Reproduce Responsibly.  Vote Responsibly.  

Kit Swartz, Pastor-Teacher Emeritus   RPC Oswego, NY