Our One Solid Relationship

Gospel ministry focuses on relationships. In ministry, we proclaim the truth of Christ’s gospel that restores our vertical relationship with God and transforms how we live with others in the church and the world. You must have more than a head knowledge of the gospel. The gospel should transform your life from the inside out. The gospel causes you to love God and love man. 

The Lord is faithful in upholding His end of our relationship. He has a steadfast love for His People. He is always working for their good. He never slumbers and His eye never blinks in His watching over them. We may stray away due to sin and weakness, but He always brings us back. The Lord is good and can be trusted not to fail us. 

We expect people in the world to fail us. They are slaves to sin and self-focused. However, one of the greatest pains we experience is when Christians fail us. This can happen at many levels. Unthinking remarks that are sharp and cut, being left out of the group or having an exchange with someone having a bad day. We face these things every day even with Christians. Most of the time we can let these roll off in love. Yet there are other times when those in the church hurt us deeply. 

Many know the pain of pouring into fellow believers in our church, only to have them leave over something petty. What you thought to be a strong relationship was broken in an instant. These actions sting us.  When leaders fail it is even worse. Here are the men who are called to lead the church. Yet they choose their sin over the gospel and they abandon the church and their vows. 

There is a great dilemma in loving as a Christian. You are called to love the church and to love others as yourself. However, you must be prepared for others to fail us, to turn away from our friendship, and sometimes leave the church or even the faith. 

How do you continue in the church? Do you withdraw protecting yourself from further hurt? Christians are called to be a part of the church and should never stop gathering for worship, fellowship, and service in a local body. Jesus commands you to be here. 

The only way to survive and thrive in the local church is to find joy and contentment in Jesus. The church is made up of sinners, including you. Do not expect from them what only the Lord can provide. Only the Lord has a steadfast and perfect love for you. People will fail you. Some will betray you and the Lord. This is the world in which we live. Do not put your confidence in people, but trust the Lord who never fails you. 

Are you trying to find your joy and happiness in human relationships? Even those who love you and you love will fail you. It is because they are human. There will be plenty who are indifferent to you, and some who will hate you. Allowing your contentment and joy to be centered on human relationships will lead to heartbreak and bitterness. 

Instead, the primary relationship must be with the Lord. It must be in Jesus who has a steadfast love for you. Jesus who by the gospel proved His love for you. Jesus watches over you and keeps you. Jesus loves you perfectly. It is from a relationship with Jesus that you then can love others in their imperfections and sin. Jesus shows you this kind of love so you can mirror it to others. 

Another benefit of focusing on Jesus' love over that of men, is that you will pursue Jesus rather than men. When we focus on human relationships for our happiness and contentment there is the danger of becoming people pleasers. Our focus leaves gospel obedience to Christ and we seek to keep those around us happy pulling us away from Christ. The danger of this is obvious and must be avoided. We must love others through Christ. 

We are made to be in relationships. It is the nature of who we were created to be. However, due to our living in a sinful world. The chief relationship you must have is with the Lord. It must be primary and affect every other relationship you have. You cannot expect from others that which only Jesus can give. Where are you seeking your happiness? Where is your confidence? Is it in men or the Lord? 

“Many are the sorrows of the wicked,but steadfast love surrounds the one who trusts in the LORD. Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!” Psalm 32:10–11