Be Radical: Don’t Let Politics Hijack the Pulpit— Christ is King

Man, has that junk mail button been getting hit a lot lately. Why? Political email, political email, political email.

I’m not here to say politics aren’t important. I’m not here to convince you that culture, philosophy, or politics don’t matter to the people of God. This isn’t some wimpy attempt to get you to forget God’s commands, close your eyes to the evil around you, or stick your head in the sand.

But there is a massive pull in our hyper-polarized society to make the church’s identity all about politics. The church isn’t neutral on political issues—there are all sorts of topics directly and indirectly addressed in Scripture that speak into our world today.

Here’s the radical thing I’m encouraging:


Be radically about the praise, excellencies, and glories of Jesus.

Do you speak as passionately about the Prince of Peace as you do about your preferred presidential candidate?


On both sides of the aisle, the world would love nothing more than to move Christ out of the spotlight and insert their own favored leader. Yet, there’s only one living stone we are called to come to—Jesus. There’s only one cornerstone of the church that the world is constantly trying to pull us away from—Jesus.


Pastor and Parishioner, I’m begging you not to forget your identity in Christ during this political season. Do the radical thing. Keep your eyes fixed on Christ, the author and perfecter of your faith.