3GT Episode 320: Take One (Anothers) Daily

With Scott leading the way, the guys devote this episode to the "one anothers" of Scripture. They first demonstrate how to apply the more negative ones, such as provoking one another. Then they address briefly the more common one anothers that are a bit easier to understand, such as love one another. But then they take on some of the difficult one anothers we find in the Bible.

For the epistles contain one another admonitions that are not easy to understand and apply. Such as? Confess your sins to one another. Forgive one another. Bear with one another. Admonish one another. The 3GTers discuss practical ways to create an environment in the church where these hard to apply one another’s can be accomplished. Ideas, such as leadership modeling, intense teaching that uses the command’s context, and a willingness to enter messy situations, are offered.

Like taking medicine for the body, the one anothers of Scripture must be applied lovingly in the proper measure. Tune in to this episode of Three Guys Theologizing for some helpful prescription instructions on how to do so!
