/ Andrew Kerr

At the Right Hand of God

Just a quick note on the phrase in Hebrews 10:12 where Jesus, having once for all time offered a sacrifice for sins he has now "sat down at the right hand of God".

en dexia tou theou - at the right hand of God refers to:

A. Christ's position of power and esteem and privilege.

B. The mediatorial throne of Christ.

C. His session as Mediatorial Great High Priest in heavenly glory.

D. The current place of honour, adoration and worship of God's anointed Messiah and Prince.

E. Christ's glorification and exaltation as the representative of His people - in union with Him we reign as kings and princes.

F. The conclusion of His atoning work - complete once for all.

G. Fulfilment of Psalm 110 which refers to His divine glory as Mediator.

H. The bestowing of the heavenly reward of Christ.

I. The exercise of HIs cosmic reign on behalf of the Church.

This truly is a statement full of temporal encouragement and eternal comfort for believers in Jesus.

Jesus now rules and teaches, in the midst of His enemies, ex cathedra, as God's Eternal Mechizedekian Great High Priest-King, by His Spirit!

Andrew Kerr

Andrew Kerr

Pastor of Ridgefield Park NJ (NYC Metro Area) - Husband of Hazel, Dad to Rebekah, Paul & Andrew, Father-in-Law to Matt, Loves Skiing, Dog Walking. Passionate for Old Testament - in Deep Need of Grace

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