/ Immigration / Kit Swartz


Immigration continues to be a pressing matter in our country.  Problems are easily identified but solutions are hard to find.  It seems timely to reconsider basic principles as we seek wisdom to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God. 

Immigration from south of the border into the United States is a long-standing and divisive issue.  Immigration from south and east of the borders into Western Europe is a more recent, overwhelming and often tragic challenge, especially for the countries on the borders.  Emotions of fear and sentiments of kindness can sometimes prejudice clear thinking.  It seems prudent to consider basic principles and then to develop useful applications.  One goal is to be equipped to evaluate wisely the various solutions proposed by public figures.  A result is to be humbled by the great difficulty decision-makers face in trying to solve these complex problems.

The propositions below come out of Judeo-Christian convictions that underlie much of the cultural heritage of Western civilization.  Consider all of the propositions before accepting or rejecting any one of them.  It is hoped that these propositions will inform your prayers, thinking, discernments and conversations.  Applying these propositions to your family provides illustrations that can enable understanding.  The propositions are:

1.    Nations and their borders are God-given or, if you prefer, are legal precedents established by ancient usage or custom.  As such, they should be respected by nations and individuals.

2.    Nations have the right to admit or reject guests and to set the terms for their visits.

3.    Nations have the responsibility to protect their citizens by excluding immigrants who are a threat to their peace, safety and prosperity.

 4.    Guests have a duty to seek permission before entering a country that is not their own.

 5.    There are two kinds of immigrants. a.     Legal (or moral) immigrants are accepted by the host country and conform to the culture and customs of the host country.  These immigrants are affectionate toward the host country.  They are committed to changing themselves in order to fit the host country.

 b.    Illegal (or immoral) immigrants do not petition or are not accepted by the host country and/or do not accommodate themselves to the culture and customs of the host country.  These immigrants are hostile toward the host country. They are committed to changing the host country in order to conform it to themselves.

 6.    All immigrants, legal and illegal, are to be afforded all human rights; namely, no one is free to injure or kill them, to sexually exploit them, to economically oppress them, to bear false witness against them or even to maintain a hostile attitude toward them.

 7.    Legal immigrants are to be afforded civil rights, with the exception of voting and holding elected office.  They are to be afforded the legal protection and social provision enjoyed by citizens.  They are to be afforded all rights under the law, including the right to be paid for their labor in full and on time.  Their pressing needs (e.g., food, clothing, shelter) are to be met, primarily by the community in which they live rather than by the civil government.  Citizens are to love and care for legal immigrants just as they love and care for their fellow citizens and themselves.  Nevertheless, the social provisions made by the civil government to citizens should be provided equally to legal immigrants.  If the community and government are unwilling to deal with immigrants in this way, the immigrants should not be admitted to the nation.

8.    Legal immigrants are obligated to obey all laws, including the payment of taxes, and to respect local customs, but they are not required to become citizens.

9.    Citizens have the duty to love all immigrants, legal and illegal, and to care for the legal immigrant diligently.  Love for the illegal immigrant would be, primarily, helping them secure legal status if their illegality is merely formal (i.e. they are not hostile).  However, if the illegal immigrant is hostile, love for the neighbor would require protecting the community by asking the authorities to remove the dangerous immigrant.  Sanctuary cities should protect legal immigrants from injustice, not illegal immigrants from justice.

 10. A common motive for dealing graciously with immigrants is that many of us were hostile, illegal immigrants in one way or another or were not accepted by our community.  Also, many of us still do not fit completely in the culture we are a part of.  Therefore, we should deal wisely and compassionately with people who are like we were or still are.

Sources for these propositions and other resources are available on request to oswegorpc@hotmail.com.

Kit Swartz Pastor-Emeritus RPC Oswego