abortion The Best 1 Minute, 39 Seconds of the VP Debate October 06, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIpXlghPV4c
Abraham Kuyper Religious Liberty Requires Royal Loyalty to Christ October 06, 2016 The following is a guest post by J.K. Wall who is a writer in Indianapolis. His modernized abridgment of William Symington’s work, Messiah the Prince Revisited [http://www.crownandcovenant.com/Messiah_
Bill Hull Core Foundational Beliefs of Discipleship October 03, 2016 In stressing discipleship in my pastoral and professorial roles, there are core foundational beliefs that have been impressed upon me by my mentors and the study of Scripture. Here are the top five
Heidelberg Catechism Confessional Boundary Stones September 29, 2016 > Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set." -Proverbs 22:28 Around western Pennsylvania where I live, it is common to see yards and farmlands with stone walls
John Owen Mortification and Vivification September 26, 2016 As we have considered mortifying sin, or putting it to death, as taught by John Owen, we first looked at how the law awakens sin so we can address it in Christ [https:
J.I. Packer Clarification on Mortification September 19, 2016 Last week I treated a short section of John Owen's work _The Mortification of Sin. _Without seeking to go through the entire work, I wanted to follow it up with another
Tutored by a Nasty Flu September 15, 2016 Forgive the lateness and silliness of this post. I'm still trying to recover. In the midst of a week of starting a new school year, attending meetings, and speaking at a
John Owen Awakening Sin to Kill It September 12, 2016 In his work _The Mortification of Sin, _John Owen gives page after page of help in how to "kill sin before it kills you." In one section, he speaks of "
Barry Danylak Follow Up from "With Love, Your Single Daughter" September 05, 2016 The following post is another article written by Rachel Dinkledine, who wrote a popular post a few weeks ago called With Love, Your Single Daughter [https://gentlereformation.com/2016/08/18/with-love-your-single-daughter/]. Rachel
Capitalism Can Capitalist Pigs be Pious Christians? September 01, 2016 This is a guest post by J.K. Wall who is a writer and former business reporter in Indianapolis. His modernized abridgment of William Symington’s work, Messiah the Prince Revisited [http://www.
Ken Smith Male Models August 29, 2016 No, not the kind that appear on the cover of _GQ. _ In this day of gender confusion, political correctness, and spineless faith, we need male models. Men who exemplify true masculinity. Here I
Browse Worthy: Being Dad August 22, 2016 After a full summer schedule, we are enjoying family vacation before we head back into the busyness of fall. As I work this week on reconnecting with my children, these videos recently viewed
Family With Love, Your Single Daughter August 18, 2016 The following post is a guest article written by Rachel Dinkledine, a young woman I have had the pleasure of watching grow up since the day I took her brothers to see her
Evangelical Eloquence On Being Persuasive August 15, 2016 From parenting to preaching, seeking to persuade others about the truths of the Bible and obedience to it is a fine art. One can easily veer off course and come across as harsh,
Gene Edward Veith Seeing Is Believing August 09, 2016 This is a guest post by J.K. Wall who is a writer in Indianapolis. His modernized abridgment of William Symington’s work, Messiah the Prince Revisited, was published in 2014 by Crown
Athanasius The Miraculous in the Mundane August 08, 2016 The following is a guest post by J.K. Wall who is a writer in Indianapolis. His modernized abridgment of William Symington’s work, Messiah the Prince Revisited, was published in 2014 by
Justin Taylor When Trouble Comes August 04, 2016 So many resources to point you to! Justin Taylor [https://blogs.thegospelcoalition.org/justintaylor/2016/08/04/an-interview-with-phil-ryken-about-the-darkest-period-of-his-life-i-started-to-wonder-how-i-would-end-it-all/] interviews Philip Ryken below regarding his new book _When Trouble Comes [https://www.crossway.org/
Psalter Project The Psalter Project August 04, 2016 Here at Gentle Reformation, we love the recent rediscovery of singing the Psalms among many Christians. So many have never experienced this great treasure and we are happy to promote efforts to see
RPIC 2016 Messages August 04, 2016 As Nathan explained [https://gentlereformation.com/2016/08/01/the-glory-of-god-revealed-in-the-church/] a few days ago, several of us at _Gentle Reformation _were at the quadrennial Reformed Presbyterian International Conference last week. A number of
Catalyst Kingdom Catalysts August 01, 2016 As a younger man, I was privileged to do a pastoral internship under Dr. Roy Blackwood in Indianapolis. One of the many lessons he taught me and demonstrated with his life that summer
A Guide to Christian Living Calvin on Christian Sobriety July 25, 2016 One of the devotional habits I have practiced over the past few summers is to read slowly, section-by-section, through _A Guide to Christian Living. _A gift from a friend, this small book is
David Murray Browse Worthy: Prayer Helps July 21, 2016 Noticed some prayer encouragements these past days being offered from a variety of sources. Here are a few links that may help you to pray with more strength, focus, and quantity. Weep, Love,
Addiction The Immaturity of Addiction July 18, 2016 A person who has practiced addictive behaviors for a good portion of his life once told me an insight he had been given. Though it came from a secular source, this observation rings
nuthatch O Little Nuthatch July 15, 2016 O little nuthatch, From whence comes your name? Did you look a little crazed When from the shell you came? O little nuthatch, Can you explain this to me? How does your gray
Communicant Membership Helping a Covenant Child Prepare a Testimony July 11, 2016 When preparing young people who have grown up in the church to make a public profession of faith, the usual formulaic approach of writing down a testimony usually does not work. Asking them