Carleton Wynne The Christian Use of the Imprecatory Psalms February 23, 2015 Last week an interesting article appeared on one of my favorite blogs, _ Reformation 21 [], _entitled "ISIS and the Imprecatory Psalms [
Christian Podcast GenRef Podcast: The Happy Christian by David Murray February 19, 2015 Recently we interviewed Dr. David Murray, Professor of Old Testament and Practical Theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, about his latest
Bruce Jenner The Plastic Man February 16, 2015 Growing up in the 1970's in the Midwest, I loved watching sports on television. NFL Football and the Chicago Cubs on WGN with announcer Jack Brickhouse were my favorites. But I
Charles Hodge Jesus Our Sin-Bearer February 09, 2015 Over at The Cripplegate [], in an article entitled " In what way was Jesus made sin on the cross? []", Nathan Busenitz tackled the meaning of
Browse Worthy: Living as a Believer February 05, 2015 We can always use help living as faithful saints in the kingdom of God. Here are five well-written posts to encourage you. Live Close to the Embers []
Calling On Calling and Young People February 02, 2015 I am at that stage of life where, one-by-one, my children have been seeking God's will for their lives vocationally. Also, I am now part of a congregation that is on
Browse Worthy: The Best of the Best January 29, 2015 I like to call them the "BBB" - Big, Bad Bloggers. You know, the ones who publish regularly, frequently,and with great quality. Spending time at their sites never feels like
Confession Sin Offerings January 26, 2015 Have you ever noticed all the commandments in the Old Testament about God **_not _**wanting sacrifices? Consider a few examples. > Isaiah 1:11, “What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices?
abortion The Inevitable End of Abortion as We Know It January 19, 2015 Though it is difficult even to report or give a link to it, last week a mother in New Jersey set her newborn child on fire [
A Simple Way to Pray Browse Worthy: Clear Thinking on Recent Islamic Activities January 15, 2015 From the Charlie Hebdo attack to Duke University now sounding forth the _azan, _an Islamic call to prayer, on Fridays, we are being confronted more and more with the need to think clearly
Dallas Willard The Trinity's Hymnbook (Part 3) January 12, 2015 In the first post [] in this three part series, we looked at how the Psalms, authored by our Triune God, contain many references and allusions to
A Gentle Reminder January 05, 2015 Often in conversations, when someone hears that our blog is named Gentle Reformation, I get a funny look and/or a "Huh, that's interesting." Follow-up comments then usually go
Bible reading 365 Gifts January 01, 2015 No, that's not the total number of gifts in the "Twelve Days of Christmas" song (actual answer is 364). Rather, that of course is the number of days in
Christian Calling Calling December 29, 2014 For a variety of reasons, most notably of which is a class that I am taking on leadership, I have been reflecting on calling. God calls his people to special areas of service,
Alle Meine Sind in Dir Alle Meine Quellen Sind in Dir December 22, 2014 [] This woodcarving hangs above the hallway in our home. Quite often, guests inquire about what it means. Rather than directly translate, I tell them
Browse Worthy: Engaging the Culture December 18, 2014 I commend these posts with their resources that help us think Biblically and proactively about the cultural events roiling around us. A Time to Speak [] - In
Great Horned Owl The Night Watcher December 15, 2014 From a deep slumber, I awoke suddenly. I lay in the dark wide awake, certainly no habit of mine. The clock by our bed showed that it was one-thirty in the morning. In
Christ in the Psalms The Trinity's Hymnbook (Part 2) December 08, 2014 Uh-oh. In preparing to teach a class at church this weekend, I realized what has been that nagging thought in the blog part of my conscience. Toward the end of last year, I
C.J. Williams A Hidden Treasure December 04, 2014 One of the blessings I experience daily in my work at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary is chapel. Each day, we pause from work and classes for a half hour to sing, pray,
Ezekiel 47 When the Spirit Flows December 01, 2014 In Ezekiel 47:1-12 [], the Lord gives His prophet a vision of water flowing out from the temple in Jerusalem. This
Constitution Immigration and the Law of God November 24, 2014 Toward the end ofhis speech [] last week on immigration, President Obama quoted from the Bible when he said: > Scripture tells us that we
abortion A Great Pro-Life Idea November 17, 2014 On a cold, wintry day in the early 1980's, while a student at the University of Michigan, I participated in a pro-life march on campus. As a brand new Christian, I
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission Russell Moore Interview of Rosaria Butterfield November 11, 2014 The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission [] of the Southern Baptist Church held their national conference at the end of October on the topic of "The Gospel, Homosexuality, and the
Acts 12 Guardian Angels November 10, 2014 When Peter was in prison awaiting his execution that was to take place the next day, we read in Acts 12 that the church conducted an all-night prayer service for him. God responded,
How to Get Things Done Browse Worthy: Challies on How to Get Things Done November 06, 2014 Tim Challies is running a helpful series called "How to Get Things Done." As I'm finding the need to be more organized and productive in handling the various responsibilities