God Speaks in Tongues September 01, 2011 "For the missionary there is a tongue in every leaf, a voice in every flower." So stated Canadian Presbyterian missionary George Leslie Mackay as he chronicled how he would use the
Summer Beauty August 19, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/lake-michigan-fishing.jpg] Funny how memories can be triggered by an object that in one minute can take you back thirty years. We are enjoying a
ABC Study August 17, 2011 From my early training under Dr. Roy Blackwood, I was taught the value of an ABC Bible Study. I have found with young and old Christians through the years that God’s people
Campus Crusade for Christ The Crusades & Islam August 12, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/crusader.jpg] Campus Crusade for Christ recently shortened its name to Cru. With this name change came their explanation as to why.Christianity Today [http:
Books When Books Die August 10, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/800px-old_book_bindings.jpg] Whenever that time has finally come _ And they say, “The last printed book is done!_ Dusty covers and page-turning by hand?
bucket Rust Bucket August 09, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/1870007497_a9dd633c4a_z.jpg] A few months ago we made a discovery in our big, red Dodge Ram van (with no back seat it carries
Summer Thanks from Iowa August 04, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/2011-rp-camp-logo-copy-c206.jpg] Technology continues to amaze me. Here I sit at a camp in Iowa in the middle of the woods and I can get
Heartbreak July 28, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/weeping-willow.jpg] I hesitate to write about a fresh tragedy. I prefer to be a silent, weeping observer. Yet Scriptures come forth along with the
When Presbyterians Shout July 25, 2011 Yesterday I preached a message from Isaiah 54 with the above title. Saying "when Presbyterians shout" sounds akin to responding to improbable news with "when pigs fly" or that
Doppelganger July 22, 2011 Behind the scenes here at _Gentle Reformation _we have a running joke about the "Doppelganger virus." For those who do not know what a doppelganger is, the German literally means "
Celebrating the World's Newest Country July 12, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/flag_of_south_sudan-svg.png] Last Friday evening, July 7th, we watched fireworks with friends from our front lawn. As we commented on how they
The Gay Mirage July 11, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/mirage2.jpg] Warning: Though I have sought to word carefully this post so as not to be explicit, the nature of the subject means certain
Introducing... July 08, 2011 **Gentle Reformation **is happy that three new contributors are coming on board! In the days ahead you should see their information loading up and contributions coming from them. Here is the briefest of
Interview of Michael LeFebvre, Co-Author of Our Triune God July 05, 2011 [http://www.amazon.com/Our-Triune-God-Three---One/dp/1433519879/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1309306500&sr=8-1] Friend and fellow Gentle Reformation blogger Dr. Michael LeFebvre recently had a new book
Summer Funning July 04, 2011 Watching a lively thunderstorm roll in Saturday night with my family on the back porch (God's fireworks cancelling the puny ones by comparison planned that evening); drinking Miriam's homemade
The Ten Commandments Applied to the I-Generation June 21, 2011 I know commandments restricting any behavior are out these days. I know what's in is counseling removing any shame. I know youth think anything is allowable except someone telling you certain
Door-to-Door June 17, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/tipsfrontdoorblue.jpg] In answer to prayer and at the urgings of a young man in our congregation, last night our church began door-to-door visitation. We
Monday Morning Musings June 13, 2011 Like many of my minister friends, my Sabbath Day was full as I taught a class and preached morning and evening yesterday. And certainly having a good number of visitors who appear to
Gentle Not Jelly June 09, 2011 In high school my basketball coach, commenting on how skinny I was, said at our senior banquet that "York has to jump around in the shower just to get wet." Well,
Rememberings May 30, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/normandy.jpg] Our call to worship yesterday was the fourth commandment. You are to remember the Sabbath Day so you can use the Sabbath Day
One Arrow May 27, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/arrow.jpg] Last night Sycamore Covenant Academy [http://www.sycamorerpc.org/sca/index.html] had a graduation ceremony with just one graduate. Below follows the
This Parabolic Life May 24, 2011 When I taught algebra classes and students had to graph parabolas, I enjoyed using that as an occasion to show God's order in His creation. From the sagging of telephone wires
Seeing Christ in All of Scriptures May 17, 2011 Following my post of yesterday, the video below was brought to my attention. As well as thanking God for His Son's revelation, you have to admire this young man's
Seeing Christ in the Old Testament May 16, 2011 In the Old Testament Class I teach for our academy [http://www.sycamorerpc.org/sca/index.html], my students were given the assignment this quarter of memorizing a verse from each of the
Selfishness May 12, 2011 [http://gentlereformation.allegrodynamics.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/gollum.jpg] When the Lord chooses to keep putting before me a matter again and again in different ways in a short period of time,