Bible Benjamin B Warfield and the Preservation of Scripture July 19, 2022 The careful reader of the Westminster Confession will notice that the preservation of Scripture is not described as “immediate” as was inspiration. Instead the Confession speaks of God’s “singular care and providence”
abortion Roe, Dobbs & King Jesus July 06, 2022 Several years ago I read Russell Kirk’s The Roots of American Order. Kirk argued, “The the law is revealed to save man from self destruction.”[1]However, by “save” he meant “restrain.
Voting Church, Polls & a Few Lessons June 14, 2022 This story begins in November of last year. While voting I noticed that there was a need for a Majority Inspector of Elections in my county. The ballot was blank and so I
Good Works To Be Useful May 18, 2022 He surely saw him from the boat. The Lord watched the erratic and unstable demoniac who was as unruly as the storm he had recently silenced. The man’s appearance alone made him
A Lord's Day Morning Meditation April 24, 2022 It’s the Lord’s Day morning and I have a window that looks out over the Oswego River. This morning I am going to attend church at the Oswego Reformed Presbyterian Church.
literature The Reader, the Bible & His Presence April 20, 2022 Recently, I have been reading Terry Eagleton’s book, How to Read Literature. Eagleton is as entertaining as he is insightful. He reminds us readers, for example, that Heathcliff does not exist outside
gender issues Senses, Faith & Gender April 14, 2022 When I was a teen, I struggled with obsessive compulsive behavior (or what some might tag as OCD). I simply couldn’t get it into my head that the oven was off or