alcohol The Dominion of Drunkenness February 14, 2020 God is saying that one of humanity’s purposes is to make use of this earth — all of its vast resources — for producing, researching, discovering, inventing, and advancing. That includes using plants to bring forth wine to gladden the heart. Drunkenness turns that upside down.
Implications of the incarnation Confessing the Incarnation December 24, 2019 The incarnation of Jesus isn’t something we can take for granted. It’s central, it’s true, it’s specific, and it’s effective. What is necessary is that the church confess this truth every day of the year: God became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ.
John Calvin Wouldn't Wear a Necktie December 19, 2019 The point of this is to simply conclude: when you collect the biblical evidence there isn’t, in my estimation, a hint of what we call the “Sunday best.”
presbyterianism We the People of the Presbyterian Church December 12, 2019 Jesus himself has given it as a right and privilege, more precious than gold, that the membership select for themselves those for leadership who meet the biblical qualifications.
Sabbath Day Reclaiming Sabbath Rest November 21, 2019 We weren’t created to give ourselves to a non-stop cycle of our worldly employments and enjoyments. Instead, we’ve been created to stop the cycle one day a week.
Writing To Write, or Not to Write, That is the Question October 18, 2019 “To write the holy things of God, is to take on us, to tell what God thinks, and what is His will, which is a most concerning thing; especially to do it solemnly in writ, lest it prove, at least, a taking of God's Name in vain.”
Study Personal Thoughts on a Pastor's Study September 27, 2019 Of course, there’s many challenges that come with pastoral study. But one of the greatest is — as Warfield pointed out — letting our studies occupy not only our minds but our hearts. A pastor studies not, first and foremost, for his congregation but for himself.
Suicide Suicide and Christian Truth September 13, 2019 We mourn with those who mourn, and we hold out the hope of the light of the gospel for those who sit in darkness. I never want to take away from that. But, at the same time, we need to learn to think biblically about suicide.
sexual abuse What Is A Girl Worth? September 11, 2019 It's an indictment against our society and churches when survivors like Rachael – thrust against their wills into dark and fearful circumstances – have to become the brave voices to tell us this. That’s what this book is: it's a brave voice.
women A Brief (Maybe Incomplete) History of Women in the RPCNA July 09, 2019 I know the topic of the role of women is like a minefield and one misstep in today’s society may set off a chain reaction. It’s important to recognize the progress, sometimes regress, and hopefully more progress as the church strives to honor Jesus Christ.
Church When The Church Isn't What It Should Be July 05, 2019 The Gordian knot of discord is wound tight with strands of personality conflict and theological debate; backbiting and gossip; domineering leadership and high-handed membership; harsh criticism and insensitive disrespect; favoritism and partiality; lying and slander; arrogance and hypocrisy.
Temptation A Bird Nest in Your Hair May 23, 2019 My teacher quickly quoted the pithy proverb popularized by Martin Luther: “You cannot prevent the birds from flying in the air over your head, but you can certainly prevent them from building a nest in your hair.” But is that true?
Jews The Restoration of the Jews May 02, 2019 Let us who are Gentiles, now join that chorus and sing of the day when the gospel will go forth in its saving power to the Israelites: “Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!”
Roman Catholic Encountering God at Notre Dame: Mary, Relics, and the Mass April 18, 2019 The cathedral of Notre Dame is an achievement of human creativity — architecturally, artistically, and aesthetically. But it is also an edifice built for the promotion of things contrary to biblical Christianity, and things for which many of us are self-consciously Protestant.
Discipleship Discipleship and the Sacraments March 22, 2019 When we receive the Word and sacrament in faith we are fellowshipping with him who has physically ascended to his Father in heaven and are made his followers. And Jesus intended that this method of discipleship continue until his return.
UMC A Church In Crisis: Reflections on the UMC March 08, 2019 I don’t write all of this to heap up criticism on the United Methodist Church. This crisis knows no denominational boundaries. It's a sad story that has been retold a thousand different times in the history of the church.
fasting Lent: Glitter or Gold? March 05, 2019 Over a century ago William Ingraham Kip wrote: “For some years past each return of Lent has been, we believe, regarded with additional interest.” That observation remains true today.
Nicene Creed I Believe in [a Relevant] Church February 21, 2019 When we live below that identity by a minimization or absence of one or more of these characteristics we trivialize ourselves into irrelevance. That's because it's this identity that makes the church unique.
The Blessings and Joys of Pastoral Ministry February 15, 2019 There seems to be an unfortunate emphasis on the negative side of the pastoral ministry. We need to be guarded and resist the temptation of letting those things quench the gratitude we ought to have.
Budget Church Budget Matters That Matter February 01, 2019 Sadly, budget matters have hurt and ruined church's ministries, effective witness, and pastorates. So, when we think about congregational budget matters let me suggest some things that I think matter.
A Letter to the Inactive Member December 21, 2018 I’m not certain but I suspect that if you asked a pastor what discourages him most, a common answer given would be the inactive member. An inactive member is one of the sheep that has gone astray and requires the shepherd to leave the ninety-nine.
persecuted Christians Worshiping When Dying is Gain December 15, 2018 Despite the ease with which many of us will be permitted to worship, there will be others who worship tomorrow morning under the threat of hurt and danger; persecution and loss; sword and death. There will be those who worship, and they will worship as those who know that death is gain.
Gratitude's Three-Fold Cord November 21, 2018 A single strand may be broken and even two, but three together form a strong bond that cannot be broken. Applying this simple picture of wisdom I want to reflect a little on the unbreakable obligation of gratitude.
Lord's Day Why the Lord's Day Matters October 27, 2018 With an air of self-confidence I told him that it didn't matter if I did homework on the Lord's Day. Thinking that would be enough to satisfy his curiosity I was more than surprised to hear him say: “Explain that to me. Why doesn't it matter?” He had caught me!
suffering Breeding Familiarity: The Righteous Suffer October 12, 2018 Job is a difficult book. There's many riddles and complexities that seem, in my mind, to mirror the complexities and riddles of suffering itself.