Politics Justice: Between Certainty and Doubt September 28, 2018 If I can admit it, it's this that gives me a measure of gratitude for what we have in Christianity. As the senate committee stumbled and fumbled in their confusion, I was led to be thankful for the way the wisdom of God meets us in that uncomfortable place.
the church The Power of Erosion May 25, 2018 Erosion isn't only an ecological problem it's ecclesiological too -- that is, it's a problem in the church
Brotherly Love Refreshing the Saints May 11, 2018 There's a challenge in that for all of us. What am I to my brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus? Do I refresh or weary them? Do I give rest or restlessness? Am I a comfort or an anxiety? Am I blessing to those who I am bound in the gospel or a burden?
Cross A Psalm for Burial March 31, 2018 When is the last time you thought about the burial of Jesus Christ? It seems to me that in our eagerness to move beyond the sorrow of crucifixion we quickly jump to the victory of resurrection forgetting the interval between death and life.
Bible R.C. Sproul - A Man of the Book December 14, 2017 As we exited the double doors at the back of the church the pastor was there to greet us and shake our hands. He had a warm smile and a twinkle in his
Liberty of Conscience The Liberty and Limitations of Conscience December 09, 2017 In a wood shop in Italy a little cricket emerged and seated himself on a box of matches. As firelight danced on the walls the cricket drew near to a wooden puppet and
Hymns What Then Shall We Sing About? December 05, 2017 One of the most powerful influences in creation is music. Music has the ability to impress the mind, provoke the emotions of the heart, and activate the deepest recesses of our memories. In
Anniversary What C.S. Lewis Taught Me November 22, 2017 To use his own illustration, CS Lewis helped me hatch: "And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad."
cultural engagement A Small Town Halloween October 28, 2017 To many in my community, Halloween is a night of small town fun. Our church will be lighting up our gravel parking lot and inviting our neighbors over to play games like glow
Five Solas Pipe Up Pastor: Justification, Sanctification, Good Works, and Judgment October 13, 2017 Hold up! Someone on the internet is wrong. I think. Maybe. Perhaps. At least that's what I was told. She says it's him. He says it's her.
Harvest Music Festival Hatred in Las Vegas: What if...? October 02, 2017 Many of us woke up this morning to the absolutely tragic news of a mass shooting on the Las Vegas strip. Videos show the fear and horror as gunshots can be heard breaking
Authority Between Irrelevance and Inspiration: Rob Bell's "What is the Bible?" September 21, 2017 I imagine it was a paradisiacal day—whatever happy, joyful, and blissful picture that gives your imagination—when the serpent slithered to the woman in the Garden of Eden. He did not come
Christian Calling Rethinking Christian Calling July 14, 2017 Many well-meaning Christians often want to baptize their aspirations and decisions with divine approval. It's not uncommon to hear young people encouraged to figure out who, where, and what God might
Conflict Policies, Procedures, and Those Presbyterians July 07, 2017 I always tell people that I was a pragmatic Presbyterian before I was a biblical Presbyterian. I grew up in a context that rarely thought about the governing principles of a church and,
Abuse Hurtful Sheep and Bullied Shepherds May 04, 2017 The final "Amen" was given and my friend descended the pulpit and took his usual place at the back door. As people filed by shaking his hand one particular member of
Confession of Faith The Attraction of Reformed Theology March 31, 2017 Sitting around a table I was enjoying some post-dinner conversation with three theologically eclectic and charming people when I was startled by an unexpected question: “Kyle, what is the attraction of Reformed theology?
abortion Pro-Life For All Life January 23, 2017 I have not done much in a public way to speak or write about abortion. That is not because I find abortion acceptable or even slightly defensible. Far from it! It is the
Church If Church Isn't Necessary, Let's Quit. January 03, 2017 I propose that if church isn't necessary, we quit. I mean it. If it's not necessary let's cancel all of our services, board up the windows, lock the doors, and send everyone on their merry way.
Media Coming February 2017--The Jerusalem Chamber December 27, 2016 The Jerusalem Chamber is a unique collaborative podcast between pastors Shawn Anderson, Kyle Borg, Nathan Eshelman, and Joel Wood to provide a round table discussion on the Westminster Confession of Faith. The Jerusalem
biography Fair Anwoth by the Solway December 16, 2016 I used to keep a copy of the _Letters of Samuel Rutherford _ [http://www.wtsbooks.com/letters-of-samuel-rutherford-samuel-rutherford-9780851513881?utm_source=kborg&utm_medium=blogpartners] on my nightstand to read each evening before going
Church A Congregant's Guide to Preaching November 29, 2016 As I was browsing my book shelves the other day I discovered that I have just over thirty books whose primary subject is the study of preaching. Aside, perhaps, from Charles Spurgeon, that
elections Rural America: Is Anyone Listening? November 09, 2016 I suppose as the citizens of the United States begin to digest the results of Tuesday's election a lot of us will don the appearance of political pundits. Given the historic
1 Corinthians 13 Christian Love October 28, 2016 In his wonderful book, Christian Love [http://www.wtsbooks.com/christian-love-hugh-binning-9780851518701?utm_source=kborg&utm_medium=blogpartners] , Scottish theologian and pastor Hugh Binning wrote: "In [love] a Christian should be like
Carl Trueman The Monster We Created: Councils, Brand Names, and Celebrities September 12, 2016 In Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein, a young scientist, Victor Frankenstein, conjures up a way to give life to the nonliving. His ambition leads him to an unorthodox science experiment that breeds
Church Rural and Small Town Ministry August 03, 2016 I hope you won't mind if I indulge for a moment in some shameless self-promotion. Recently, the denomination I belong to and the one most affiliated with Gentle Reformation, the Reformed