Calvinism Totaled Image Bearers December 28, 2011 With this entry, I'll begin a series of meditations upon the meaning and application of essential Calvinistic beliefs. I hope these thoughts will encourage all who read and be a particular
Christ Priceless words about the Psalms December 16, 2011 An interlude in the blog series on Calvinism - here are wonderful, heart-felt and heart filling words regarding our Savior's relationship to the Psalms - “Here the language of the Bible
biblical truth Coming to Grips with Calvinism, part 2: Transformational Truth December 13, 2011 ** **The last (and first!) entry ended with a plea to consider the claims of Calvinism for whatever biblical truth they may represent and expound. This next series of entries will examine (relatively briefly)
5 points Coming to Grips with Calvinism, part 1: A Protestant's (ongoing) Reformation December 02, 2011 I'm deeply thankful to have been invited to write for this site. I thought I'd begin by introducing myself in light of the site's name and nature.