Barry York
Barry York was sent to Kokomo, Indiana, as a church planter in 1991. Through an evangelistic and disciple-making ministry the congregation of Sycamore Reformed Presbyterian Church was organized in 1994, where Barry served as pastor until June of 2013. From 2002-2013 he also served as the administrator and a teacher for Sycamore Covenant Academy, an educational and service program sponsored devoted to preparing covenant youth for college and life. In 2013, Barry moved with his family to western Pennsylvania, and now serves as the Professor of Pastoral Theology and Dean of Faculty at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh. He also is the general editor of the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Journal and co-hosts a podcast with two other GenRef Gents called 3GT.
Following their redemption by the Lord Jesus, Barry married his high-school sweetheart Miriam in 1985. They have six children and two grandchildren. In addition to reading and writing, he loves time with his wife, working in the yard, and still mixing it up a bit on the basketball court when his aging body cooperates.