Tragedy Killed by what they thought would save them January 28, 2023 Seventy years ago, on the last Saturday morning in January, the MV Princess Victoria left the port of Stranraer in South-West Scotland. She was heading for Ireland with 179 people on board – but
Good Works To Be Useful May 18, 2022 He surely saw him from the boat. The Lord watched the erratic and unstable demoniac who was as unruly as the storm he had recently silenced. The man’s appearance alone made him
Five Solas Pipe Up Pastor: Justification, Sanctification, Good Works, and Judgment October 13, 2017 Hold up! Someone on the internet is wrong. I think. Maybe. Perhaps. At least that's what I was told. She says it's him. He says it's her.
Gerhard O. Forde The Badness of Our Good May 25, 2015 A year after the posting of his Ninety-five Theses, Martin Luther was called before the German congregation of his Augustinian order to give an accounting of his teachings. In what became known as
David Murray Browse Worthy: Good Works' Relationship to God December 11, 2012 Though clearly our aim is not to focus on controversial issues onGentle Reformation, there are times to make known debates when doing so will help sharpen the mind of the church on vital