Immigration Immigration January 28, 2025 Immigration continues to be a pressing matter in our country. Problems are easily identified but solutions are hard to find. It seems timely to reconsider basic principles as we seek wisdom to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God.
Immigration Browse Worthy: Wisdom Wednesdays March 09, 2017 Yes, I know it's Thursday. And, yes, I know this is not the seminary I am "supposed" to be promoting! But "Wisdom Wednesdays," weekly videos produced by
David Murray Browse Worthy: Immigration November 19, 2015 Jared pointed out some good reading about refugees [] yesterday. As the ISIS attacks and immigration issues call the church to exercise great wisdom, several other articles
A Simple Way to Pray Simple Praying for Complex Times November 16, 2015 As we see the inward, moral deterioration of the western world with waves of immigrants from other lands, many of whom are hostile to Christianity, coming to us, knowing how to pray directly
Constitution Immigration and the Law of God November 24, 2014 Toward the end ofhis speech [] last week on immigration, President Obama quoted from the Bible when he said: > Scripture tells us that we