Lord's Day Keeping the Lord's Day February 11, 2025 Twenty years ago, I was finishing lunch on a Sunday afternoon at my pastor’s house. It was getting later than I expected, so I tried to leave, saying, “I need to get
football Competing for the First Day September 07, 2023 On the one hand, there’s the rhythm, tone, and nature of the first day of the week prescribed by God. On the other, is the changed rhythm, tone, and nature that football has introduced into the life of our society.
Lord's Day The NFL's "Holy Day" February 04, 2021 He’s commanded one day where those other things, good as they are on those six days, take a back seat to things of first importance. On the Lord’s Day — the very day that bears Jesus’ name — he shouldn’t have to compete for our attention and time.
Lord's Day Learning to Love the Lord's Day: A Testimony on Sabbath Keeping - Guest post by Maggie (Holdeman) Becker April 23, 2020 Sabbath keeping is not easy... But what I have found is that Sabbath keeping becomes exponentially easier the more diligent I am in my work during the week.
Sabbath Day Reclaiming Sabbath Rest November 21, 2019 We weren’t created to give ourselves to a non-stop cycle of our worldly employments and enjoyments. Instead, we’ve been created to stop the cycle one day a week.
Lord's Day Why the Lord's Day Matters October 27, 2018 With an air of self-confidence I told him that it didn't matter if I did homework on the Lord's Day. Thinking that would be enough to satisfy his curiosity I was more than surprised to hear him say: “Explain that to me. Why doesn't it matter?” He had caught me!
Lord's Day Let's Not Forget the Weekly Day of Prayer May 02, 2014 My_ quiet wife really surprised me yesterday. As the following letter to a Christian radio station manager shows, she was moved to write to address a concern. I'll let the letter
Bob Kellerman Browse Worthy: Worship February 17, 2014 In addition to Jared's post [https://gentlereformation.com/2014/02/16/how-about-not-dressing-up-for-worship/]encouraging us to see if our spiritual clothing is appropriate for worship, there have been several other recent articles