Biblical themes of thanksgiving The Ultimate Thanksgiving Dinner November 23, 2022 The Lord’s Supper is The Ultimate Thanksgiving Dinner.
Lord's Supper “It’s for a Sinner”: Overcoming Fear at the Lord’s Table August 26, 2021 How do we face our fears of coming to the Lord's table?
Discipleship Discipleship and the Sacraments March 22, 2019 When we receive the Word and sacrament in faith we are fellowshipping with him who has physically ascended to his Father in heaven and are made his followers. And Jesus intended that this method of discipleship continue until his return.
Communicant Membership Helping a Covenant Child Prepare a Testimony July 11, 2016 When preparing young people who have grown up in the church to make a public profession of faith, the usual formulaic approach of writing down a testimony usually does not work. Asking them
John Calvin Calvin's Counsel on Gentle Reformation April 30, 2013 While studying for a recent sermon series on the Lord's Supper, I read an interesting passage in John Calvin's 1540 treatise on that sacrament. Toward the end of his