Sabbath Day Linchpin of Life - Sanctify the Sabbath December 01, 2018 As I pen this post I am about to preach the closing case-law-commandment section from Exodus 23:10-19. I'll be re-stressing to the church how we should properly view these texts:
purpose Millennials Can't Buy Meaning November 30, 2018 People are trying but struggling even more today to find meaning because greater prosperity and more personalized technology have pushed materialism and individualism to crowd out other options--like Christianity.
2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians and the Grand Purposes of God July 13, 2012 I’ve been chewing on 2 Corinthians lately, not in the slow methodical way where each sentence is carefully weighed in the balances of exegesis, but at a normal pace, like how a