pastors Remember your Leaders March 17, 2023 On 4 March our congregation lost the man who had pastored the church for 35 years before me. I want to share the main points of the two messages I preached the day after his death.
Zechariah 10:1-11 Follow My Leader? June 12, 2021 Just getting ready to preach on Zechariah 10 tomorrow - I have to confess not one of the easier passages from which I have attempted to bring a message to God's
church leadership Praying for Shepherds as Wolves Attack October 26, 2020 As I slowly work my way through a preaching series in Revelation, last night I preached on "The Deceptive Beast of the Earth []"
Brotherly Love Will you remember to be kind? May 12, 2018 From a human point of view it would have been understandable if David had felt that there were more pressing matters to attend to - he had to run a kingdom and propagate
ministry Handling Sinners the Gospel Way - Part I May 05, 2018 When Christians stray or lapse the response of fellow-believers may vary from merciless gossip to public humiliation. The press and the world will come down on them like a ton of bricks. False
Christian living Deliverance is Near! April 21, 2018 Introduction Have you woken up this morning in fear, alarmed or anxious? Have dire straits hemmed you in or do you wonder if you're safe? Are the pressures so enormous that