black lives matter Marxism, Postmodernism, and Critical Race Theory June 18, 2020 Marxism? Postmodernism? Critical Race Theory? These are topics we need to think clearly about while avoiding caricature and misapplications.
Apathy So I'm Apathetic...Who Cares?! May 13, 2015 It is incredibly easy in our day to observe an incredibly saddening reality: Apathy is everywhere. To which you might reply: “Who cares?” To which I might reply: “Fair point, and my point
Church In the Praise of Protestantism October 31, 2014 Sometimes I want to protest Protestantism. Well, to be fair, at least how Protestantism is now. There's a lot to be discouraged about. But on this Reformation Day I want to
Authority The Incarnate Word and the Written Word October 16, 2012 The doctrine of the Word of God has come on hard times among professing Christians. This sad state of things is no surprise. At the very beginning of human history, Satan assaulted the
apologetics A Post About Post-ness August 22, 2012 Are we to be congratulated for being a "post" society? The word "post" has come to take on a subtle, special significance when used as a prefix in the
Architecture Culture, Contradictions & the Cross October 25, 2011 [] In the Worldview class I am teaching in our church's academy, which is based on materials from Summit Ministries [http://www.