abortion Abortion: Who Cares? January 24, 2024 Why should I care if other people kill their children? If my neighbor murders their children, there are fewer neighbors I need to love, and fewer voters and culture warriors to contend with. This logic is selfish and destructive and must not be indulged.
Sabbath Day Linchpin of Life - Sanctify the Sabbath December 01, 2018 As I pen this post I am about to preach the closing case-law-commandment section from Exodus 23:10-19. I'll be re-stressing to the church how we should properly view these texts:
abortion Pro-Life For All Life January 23, 2017 I have not done much in a public way to speak or write about abortion. That is not because I find abortion acceptable or even slightly defensible. Far from it! It is the
abortion The Best 1 Minute, 39 Seconds of the VP Debate October 06, 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIpXlghPV4c
abortion A Great Pro-Life Idea November 17, 2014 On a cold, wintry day in the early 1980's, while a student at the University of Michigan, I participated in a pro-life march on campus. As a brand new Christian, I
Abortion Clinics A Voice for the Voiceless August 21, 2013 If you want to see what a modern day prophet looks like, then watch this video of one man in Orlando whom the Lord is using to save the unborn. John Barros refused