Dallas Willard The Trinity's Hymnbook (Part 3) January 12, 2015 In the first post [https://gentlereformation.com/2013/11/13/the-trinitys-hymnbook-part-i/] in this three part series, we looked at how the Psalms, authored by our Triune God, contain many references and allusions to
Christ in the Psalms The Trinity's Hymnbook (Part 2) December 08, 2014 Uh-oh. In preparing to teach a class at church this weekend, I realized what has been that nagging thought in the blog part of my conscience. Toward the end of last year, I
Holy Trinity The Trinity's Hymnbook (Part I) November 13, 2013 Certain congregational songbooks use the word "Trinity" in their titles. For instance, there is the Trinity Hymnal [http://www.gcp.org/Products/CategoryCenter/HYMN!PEW/hymnals.aspx] and the Trinity Psalter