Holy Spirit Speaking of the Spirit April 10, 2017 Reformed Christians are often accused, perhaps rightly so, of not emphasizing the person and work of the Holy Spirit sufficiently enough. As the Father has sent Jesus as our God-man mediator, from worship
al mohler Browse Worthy: Trinitarianism and Complementarianism (Part 3) June 30, 2016 As has been noted by this first list of articles [https://gentlereformation.com/2016/06/10/browse-worthy-trinitarianism-and-complementarianism/] then another post [https://gentlereformation.com/2016/06/14/browse-worthy-trinitarianism-and-complementarianism-continued/] , a fascinating and important debate has
Eternal Submission of the Son Trinitarian Controversy: Necessary Sharpening or Unnecessary Strife? June 16, 2016 Sometimes the unfortunate idiomatic expression: "Boys will be boys," is used to excuse turning a blind eye to the irresponsible behavior of some. After all, what more can you expect from
Complementarianism Browse Worthy: Trinitarianism and Complementarianism (Continued) June 14, 2016 Some other articles have appeared that I believe shed some further, needed light on the discussion of the Trinity that I chronicled here [https://gentlereformation.com/2016/06/10/browse-worthy-trinitarianism-and-complementarianism/] last week. As
Bruce Ware Browse Worthy: Trinitarianism and Complementarianism June 10, 2016 A fascinating debate is taking place on the blogosphere regarding the Trinity. Initiated by a defense of the complementarian view (that men and women have differing yet complementary roles in the home and
Doctrine Browse Worthy: Doctrinal Quizzes November 05, 2015 Tim Challies [http://www.challies.com] has been running a series of quizzes on doctrine at his site. Going through these helps sharpen your mind and theological precision. So why not try one
Dallas Willard The Trinity's Hymnbook (Part 3) January 12, 2015 In the first post [https://gentlereformation.com/2013/11/13/the-trinitys-hymnbook-part-i/] in this three part series, we looked at how the Psalms, authored by our Triune God, contain many references and allusions to
Conflict A Trinitarian Approach to Conflict September 22, 2014 Over the past two years, I have been looking at many different books on pastoral care written through the ages. One characteristic I have noticed in many of the writers is the emphasis
Holy Trinity The Trinity's Hymnbook (Part I) November 13, 2013 Certain congregational songbooks use the word "Trinity" in their titles. For instance, there is the Trinity Hymnal [http://www.gcp.org/Products/CategoryCenter/HYMN!PEW/hymnals.aspx] and the Trinity Psalter