C.J. Williams Post Tenebras Lux: Celebrating 500 Years of Luther's Influence September 11, 2017 The Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary [http://rpts.edu/]in cooperation with the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals [http://www.alliancenet.org] annually hosts the Westminster Conference that kicks off the school year in early
Adam The Quest for the Historical Adam March 05, 2015 Our friend, Dr. William VanDoodewaard of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary and The Christian Pundit [http://thechristianpundit.org/], has just published a work entitled _The Quest for the Historical Adam [http://www.thequestforadam.com/
Authority Preaching with Authority October 23, 2013 Every preacher who stands behind a pulpit or on a street corner should desire to preach with authority. He should hope that when people hear him that they are rather hearing God speaking