/ Andrew Kerr

The Nano-Church Movement - Heartbeat or Heresy?

A recent visit to a fellow minister friend, minutes before the closing night of our Synod this week, confirmed my growing suspicion: the new wave of reformed church life has already spread far and wide, like wildfire or a contagion: from Knockbracken, all parts of the Vineyard, in this Province of Northern Ireland, seemed to be being reached!

As I pulled into the driveway of his manse he was actually on his way out to a meeting. 'We've got micro-groups tonight!' he told me jovially, with a grin of excitement on his face.

It was the first time it had dawned upon me that something was slowly beginning to happen: finally after 10 years of seed-sewing, others were now talking about this newly-encountered phenomenon in the thrilling, trendy, vocabulary - words like milli-ministry, nano-ecclesiology and pico-preachers, that I once coined in a corner, were tumbling off his lips. Instead of the usual downbeat note of discouragement, there was the glowing, infectious, upbeat tone of contentment at what was taking place in their church.

I trust you get the point and don't get carried away by this movement. It makes me wonder, with hope, do you love your small church too?

Andrew Kerr

Andrew Kerr

Pastor of Ridgefield Park NJ (NYC Metro Area) - Husband of Hazel, Dad to Rebekah, Paul & Andrew, Father-in-Law to Matt, Loves Skiing, Dog Walking. Passionate for Old Testament - in Deep Need of Grace

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