/ Kyle E. Sims


Pastoral Ministry can be discouraging. Often those whom we pour out our lives for in ministry will break our hearts. Some leave the faith and declare themselves apostates. Others just slowly disappear from the church. Others will seek after a worldly church that compromises the orthodox biblical views of Christianity. However, some will be bright spots and encouragements.

I hope I was able to be a bright spot this morning to one of my former ministers. My Youth Pastor from my elementary school years and I met for breakfast. We had not seen each other in probably 40 years, but through social media, we had reconnected. It was good for us to sit down and talk about the Lord’s call and work in our lives. To share with each other the battles and blessings of the ministry. To encourage each other in our present ministerial roles.

What a blessing it was to meet up with a man who God had used to begin my sense of call to the ministry. I can remember clearly his tiny office in the dungeon-like basement of our little mill hill church. I remember his once-a-week kid's programs during the summers. I do not remember much of what he taught specifically, but I always remember him as a pastor who loved Christ and Christ’s people.

I am sure there are pastors, Sunday school teachers, and others who volunteer in ministry, wondering if it is worth it. Am I really making a difference? I know it is easy to see the ones that fall away, but remember there are many who the Lord has used you to bless, even if in just a small way. All these people and all the blessings are what build up the church and bless God’s people. Keep striving in the work of the Lord. Know that your work is not in vain!

Kyle E. Sims

Kyle E. Sims

Director of Seminary Admission and Church Relations at Erskine Seminary. Principal Clerk ARP General Synod. Pastor since 1999. 6’ 11” former Basketball player.

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