/ election / Bryan Schneider

Understanding God’s Election and Foreknowledge: A Relatable Illustration

This article explores the foreknowledge and election of God, using an illustration to make these profound concepts more accessible. Remember, all illustrations break down at some point, but they can still illuminate important truths.

I love buying flowers for my wife, Olivia. Now Olivia loves flowers but she's also frugal. She enjoys seeing them outside but feels it's wasteful to spend money on flowers that will soon wilt and die in a vase. To balance this, I plant flowers, but I also browse through the flower section at Walmart during my grocery trips, hunting for the best-looking flowers at the lowest cost. I search for daisies—her favorite—and aim for a bouquet that is both abundant and lively, yet inexpensive. I even leave the price tag on so she can appreciate the flowers without feeling guilty about the cost.

Now, imagine if I knew the florist or, better yet, if I could foresee the perfect flowers being available before I even went to the store. Knowing there would be the best, cheapest, and most beautiful flowers waiting for me would save time and money and make Olivia happy.

Is this how God elects us? According to 1 Peter 1:1-2, God elected the sojourners of the dispersion according to foreknowledge. Did God foresee the perfect, beautiful flowers and choose them? No, I don't think that's how God chose the flowers.

God created people perfect in the garden, as the crowning beauty of His very good creation. But sin has turned us into dead flowers, rotting in the dumpster. You know the kind—flowers that once had potential but are now dead, dying, with slimy stems, and worthless. The Bible described us as: without hope, dead in our trespasses and sins.

Here’s where the amazing and praiseworthy part happens: God chose the dumpster flowers! He picked us out of the garbage heap of our own making, knowing His power to make us alive and beautiful. God did not choose us because we were good enough or because it would be cheap. No! He chose us to display the riches of His grace in making the dead alive. His glory shines through His abundant grace and mercy.

Christian, I hope you don't get bogged down in debates over election and miss the point. Take election for what it is and why God gave it. Not to be a theological debate but to display His glorious grace! Remember God's glory. Peter seamlessly transitions from election into praising God, who makes us alive. God is glorified in your redemption! Give Him glory, marvel at His grace, and soak in the depths of His mercy. Let your heart be overwhelmed by the love He has shown you through the Spirit's sanctification and the sprinkling of Jesus' blood. He is worthy of praise, friend. Thank Him for His goodness.

He is glorious. He is glorious indeed.

May grace and peace multiply in your life as you bask in His saving work.

May your heart rejoice in the God who saved you!

Bryan Schneider

Bryan Schneider

Husband to Olivia. Father of Nathan, Deborah, Daniel, & Ellie. Blessed to serve Sharon RP Church (sharonrpc.org). Loving Rural life.

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