Redeemed by the Precious Blood
A mediation on the precious blood of Christ from 1 Peter 1:19.
What great Love the Father has shown to us. He didn't spare an expense in redeeming us. What more could He have given. Think about who Jesus is:
Jesus is the heir of all things
Jesus is the one through whom the worlds were made
Jesus is the brightness of His glory
Jesus is the express image of His person
Jesus is upholding all things by His power
Jesus is worshiped by the angels
Jesus is the image of the invisible God
Jesus is the first begotten of all creation
Jesus is the form of God
Jesus is equal with God
This Jesus made Himself of no reputation.
This Jesus took on the form of a slave.
This Jesus came in the likeness of men.
This Jesus humbled himself and became obedient.
Our Jesus followed through with the eternal decree.
Our Jesus fulfilled all righteousness.
Our Jesus died for our sins.
Our Jesus paid the redemption price in full with His own blood.
Our Jesus sprinkled us in His precious blood.
Our Father did not spare His own son.
Our Father delivered Him up for us all.
The blood of bulls could purify us.
The blood of goats could not purify us.
The ashes of a heifer could not purify us.
Only the blood of Christ could redeem us.
Only the blood of the spotless lamb could redeem us.
Only the blood of the lamb without blemish could free us.
Only the blood of Jesus could cleanse our consciences from dead works.
How great a price our Father paid to redeem us from the curse of the law.
How precious is the blood of our savior Jesus.
How precious is the blood of Jesus that has sprinkled us.
How precious is the blood of Jesus that has purified us.
How precious is the blood of Jesus that has given us remission of sins.
Praise God you angels for the lamb who was slain.
Praise God you Jewish people for he was as a lamb led to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he opened not His mouth.
Praise God you nations for the lamb who takes away the sins of the world.
Praise God you elders who cast your crowns.
Praise God all you creatures in heaven and on earth and in the sea for the blood price has been paid.
Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever.
Praise the Father for the precious blood of Christ.