/ family worship / Ed Blackwood

Worship Connected Family Worship Guide 1 Kings 8

Worship Connected is dedicated to helping families grow together in their faith through structured Bible reading and household worship (family worship/devotions). This resource is connected to the weekly congregational worship of Springs Reformed Church (SRC) to use directly as an aid to family worship or as a model to others.

These household worship guides are written to complement the Lord’s Day sermons by focusing hearts, minds, and lives throughout the week on the preaching passage and connecting household worship with the church’s gathered worship.

At SRC we distribute a weekly guide running from the Lord's Day to Saturday with Monday-Wednesday reviewing the sermons that were preached the Lord's Day at the start of the week and Thursday-Saturday previewing the sermons that will be preached the coming Lord's Day.

However, for the posts here I will link to the guide from Thursday to Wednesday so that all are aimed at the Lord's Day as the peak of the 7-day rhythm as seen in the image above. The Lord's Day post includes links to the sermons.

We are considering Solomon's dedication of The House for the Lord's Name and the Glory of the Lord Filling God's House in 1 Kings 8.

Thu Mar 20 1 Kings 8:1-21—The Glory of the Lord Filled the Temple
Fri Mar 21 1 Kings 8:22-53—Hear, Lord, from Heaven, Your Dwelling Place
Sat Mar 22 1 Kings 8:54-66—Blessing to God’s People
Lord’s Day Mar 23
Mon Mar 24 John 14:18–26, 1 Corinthians 3:9–17—The House for God’s Name is Jesus’s Church
Tue Mar 25 John 16.23-33—Ask in Jesus’s Name
Wed Mar 26 2 Corinthians 3:7–18—The Glory of the Lord Fills Jesus’s Church

If you find it useful to use these in your household/family worship, consider asking your pastor to speak to me about him developing something similar in your congregation.

Ed Blackwood

Ed Blackwood

Married to Nancy. Father to six children. Grandparents to 21 & counting. Pastor springsreformed.org, Colorado Springs. MDiv (91) and DMin (25) from the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

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