Jonah Was Jonah Born-Again? March 09, 2020 It is a pity that so much ink has been spilt on denying or defending the miraculous, historical, rescue of the recalcitrant prophet Jonah. No doubt it has been the tactic of our
Creation. Origins. Genesis 1-3. Truths for our Times March 07, 2020 It is with sadness I read this morning of an U.S. Anglican Bishop who is being tried by a panel for breach of ecclesiastical code. The crime in question is refusal of
Forget the Past Forgetting what is behind? January 04, 2020 I thought it might be appropriate, as we move on into 2020, to consider, briefly, Paul's zeal for "pressing on" with the Lord. > But whatever gain I had,
Prince of Peace in Isaiah Prince of Peace December 30, 2019 Taken out of context this title seems quite bland. Read through historical eyes Christ's claim is quite remarkable. > For to us a child is born, to us a son is
Immanuel December 23, 2019 I was preaching last night, in Belfast, on the Immanuel 'Sign-Son' in Isaiah Chapter 7. In spite of good commentators who argue to the contrary, I think, for numerous reasons, we
The Birth of Christ - the Shepherds in the Fields The Gospel According to the Shepherds December 21, 2019 Introduction From the earliest days of the church, the number of Gospels was four. In the many centuries since, writers and scholars have added the prophecy of Isaiah as a fifth. In chapter
Prayer in Romans 8 In Our Weakness... December 16, 2019 It's now been 9 months since my mom starting losing her speech. It is also roughly 10 weeks from she received her diagnosis - dreaded Motor Neurone Disease. We are thankful
Isaiah - Justification Isaiah's Teaching of Justification by Faith December 14, 2019 I've been giving some sustained thought over the last few months to the texts and themes of the Prophecy of Isaiah, a scroll also well-beloved and regarded as the Bible'
Burn Out - Isaiah's Servant Songs Burnt Out? December 09, 2019 You're bruised, badly crushed! You're gutted, deeply hurt! You're through, nearly spent! You're burst, half-exhausted! Loud sighs, weary gasps! Quite dark, pretty bleak! You'
Servant Songs - Isaiah It's all been a waste? December 02, 2019 Introduction When Monday morning comes we often feel like that! There really was no point! All the efforts seem a waste! I'm exhausted in the work and think I've
Biblical Basis? Temptations of Christ Bible-Based Christianity? November 25, 2019 In reading through the Temptations of our Lord in Luke, I was struck in a fresh way, by the Devil's intimate Bible knowledge. Satan, Luke recounts, is a master-twister of Scripture:
Psalm 126 He who goes out weeping... November 18, 2019 I've just returned from a pastoral visit which I have been meaning to chase up for a while. As far as I can tell, without wanting to presume, it gives me
Sermon on the Mount - Isaiah Out of the Saltshaker, Into the Light? November 16, 2019 Having lectured on Isaiah recently I've come to what I judge is a more satisfying view of the Light of the World & Salt of the Earth passages that commence the
Ready... Steady... Go! November 11, 2019 In my personal devotions this morning I was forcibly struck by the text - it was the section towards the close of Matthew that deals with the Judgment of Christ, namely 24:1-25:
words The Finished Script November 09, 2019 Every word we speak is known to the LORD! That was my waking thought as I pondered Psalm 139. > Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, you know
Grief He will wipe away every tear... November 02, 2019 As some will know by now, my mother has just been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease at the age of 83 years: it is condition which attacks the electrical junction of the nerves
Psalm 23 Hounded by Hesed - Psalm 23:6 October 28, 2019 It is always good to be reminded of God’s grace. There are few better places in the Bible to go to study this than the cherished twenty-third psalm. The goodness and mercy
Evangellsm To the Jew First October 24, 2019 As I sit in Newark Airport waiting for my flight to the Emerald Isle, I thought it might be a good point to reflect on my visit to New York. It was a
Hospitality Surrounded by Love October 20, 2019 Just a quick post as a testimony to grace. I'm currently out of the country, and there are too many positives to state. I've stayed in three Christian homes,
The Nativity of Christ An Early Christmas Present October 07, 2019 Just began to look again at the Gospel of Matthew in my devotions this morning - I just love the family tree of Christ, but I looked at that in last year'
Family Repaying Your Relatives? October 05, 2019 As I tearfully drove my mother down to hospital this morning, a wonderful truth was impressed upon my heart. If this blog is little personal, please forgive me - I hope it may
Evangelistic Preaching Preacher Stay Positive! September 29, 2019 In a recent walk with a friend I recounted a childhood experience. In part, I explained, that amazing experience has helped to make me an optimistic evangelist. It was the legendary, long, hot
What will heaven be like Postcard from Palestine September 23, 2019 Just back from a ramble this morning. My mind turned to one of my favorites. I drooled for a few moments on the delights of Psalm 104. This is a Psalm which reveals
Guest Post by David McCullough He will not forget your works! September 16, 2019 This is a guest post by David McCullough - Minister of Woodstock R.P.C., Belfast - who penned this reflection on Christian Service while on holiday... Footprints in the Sand Strolling back
Personal Evangelism Testifying on Treadmills... September 14, 2019 Just back from the gym after a 4 kilometer run: I'd planned to slip in and out before many people were up. It had been a sleepless night - I was