C.S. Lewis On Being an Ironman April 11, 2016 From the Marvel Comics superhero figure played in movies by Robert Downey Jr. to the triathlon sporting event that involves swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles, and running a marathon all in
Christology Browse Worthy: Christology April 07, 2016 Recently, Ligonier Ministries [http://www.ligonier.org/] unveiled a new confessional-style statement on the person of Jesus Christ. Entitled _The Word Made Flesh: The Ligonier Statement on Christ [http://christologystatement.com/] , _Ligonier expressed
Bryan Chapell Evangelistic Preaching April 04, 2016 In conversations I have had recently with both seasoned ministers and young men preparing for pastoral ministry, the subject of what constitutes evangelistic preaching has been discussed. As we wonder why we do
American Girls and Their Social Media Lives Browse Worthy: Help for Living in this Digital Age March 31, 2016 From the "Twitter Wars" between presidential candidates down to trying to talk with a family member looking at a screen, we all need help in processing the content, protecting our families,
321 Sowing Gospel Seeds March 28, 2016 Why do many Christians struggle to share their faith with others? I believe one answer to that is that they feel unqualified. They believe that they have to have a perfect presentation or
Calling The Call of God March 21, 2016 Several young men have approached me as of late who are wrestling with the call of God on their lives regarding ministry. They have asked questions, common to many who begin considering pastoral
Derek Thomas Browse Worthy: Our Sad, Sex-Saturated Society March 17, 2016 Some sane thoughts for dealing with this culture in which we live. On Nude Selfies [http://www.theologyforwomen.org/2016/03/on-nude-selfies.html] One of the Kardashians put up one of these on
Fatherless Learning More about Caring for the Widow March 14, 2016 How does one help the widow practically? Even as I am currently teaching a class on mercy at the seminary, I am being taught this anew by my congregation. On Saturday afternoon I
Cache Creek Indian Mission Cache Creek Indian Mission March 10, 2016 The following article is a guest post by Russ Pulliam, who is a columnist for The Indianapolis Star, the director of the Pulliam Fellowship, and a ruling elder of the Second Reformed Presbyterian
Jerry Bridges The Pursuit of Holiness: On the Passing into Glory of Jerry Bridges March 07, 2016 When I was converted by Christ at the University of Michigan in the early 1980's, the Lord used the ministry of The Navigators [https://www.navigators.org/Home] as his tool
A GenRef Update March 03, 2016 Though we basically like to blog rather than blog about our blogging, every now and then we like to update you about things going on behind the scenes here at _Gentle Reformation. _Here
Forgiveness Reassurance: The Needed Component in Reconciliation February 29, 2016 Resolving conflict is the most difficult task in pastoral work. Helping two parties who have been at odds - or even at one another's throats - work through sin issues to
children Children in Worship February 25, 2016 An article yesterday over at Reformation 21 [http://www.reformation21.org/] on family-integrated worship [http://www.reformation21.org/blog/2016/02/is-familyintegrated-worship-th.php] caught my eye. I enjoyed the historical peek at a
Discipleship Discipleship in Jesus' Style February 22, 2016 _The following is a guest post from Ken Smith. Ken is a retired RPCNA minister, former missionary, and perhaps is best known as the pastor whom the Lord used to bring Rosaria Butterfield
Black History Month A Father's Thoughts on the Purdue Situation February 15, 2016 Having a daughter attending Purdue University, I was concerned to read the news headlines and Facebook feeds about a controversial incident that took place this past week. To the best of my understanding,
infant baptism Stepping Stones to Covenant Baptism February 08, 2016 Last night we watched from western Pennsylvania via Skype as our grandson, Max Mann, was baptized way out in Manhattan, Kansas. Though we wish we could have actually been there to be with
Browse Worthy: In the Trenches of the Cultural War February 04, 2016 Ashers’ Daniel McArthur Speaks Outside Court [https://www.facebook.com/christianinstitute/videos/10154034168226802/] A bakery in Northern Ireland owned by a Christian family has been sued by homosexuals for refusing to bake a
Children at the Lord's Table? Children at the Lord's Table? February 01, 2016 Frequently I am asked by seminary students or pastors about the question of children and the Lord's Supper. Several years ago, after some members asked questions about the teaching dubbed “paedocommunion”
E.M. Bounds Prayer Societies January 25, 2016 Encouraging God's people to pray is one of the pastor's most trying jobs. Three reasons exist for why this is so. First, pastors often approach this difficulty mechanically. We
Cotton Mather Seeking His Spirit January 21, 2016 Lately I have been reflecting on the prophets' visions of revival. Many of the wondrous things they see in the days of Christ and promises they extend have to do with fuller
Monday Mourning Musings January 18, 2016 No, the title is not a typo. It's just what I'm doing today as I still am reeling over the loss of Dave [http://www.soller-baker.com/memsol.cgi?
Preparing for Our Heavenly Union with God January 11, 2016 In his beautiful tribute [https://gentlereformation.com/2016/01/10/david-w-long-1955-2016-my-friend-and-mentor/] yesterday, James shared the news that a dear friend to a number of us at _Gentle Reformation, _Pastor David Long, passed into
Browse Worthy: Relationships January 07, 2016 Several helpful articles on relating to others. Pushing Back the Darkness [http://www.karadedert.com/pushing-back-the-darkness/] – Kara Dedert at En Route continues to share heart lessons the Lord has taught their family in
Monday Morning Musings January 04, 2016 From the text in Romans 9 that quotes God from the Old Testament passage saying "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated," the preacher said yesterday that the gasp should not
John Bunyan Passing through the River December 28, 2015 As the new year approaches, many will look ahead to 2016 and make resolutions. They will want to make changes to make this coming year a better one. Yet as this year ends,