Bill Vandoodewaard The Quest for the Historical Adam – GenRef Podcast April 07, 2015 It was our pleasure to sit down with Dr. William VanDoodewaard, author of the new work The Quest for the Historical Adam [
Christian meditation The Benefits and Joys of Christian Meditation March 24, 2015 In a paper exploring The Puritan Practice of Meditation [], Joel Beeke helpfully summarizes a number of biblical findings. Let this be an encouragement and enticement to
Mum's Dead March 19, 2015 3pm, Monday 16th March, I was teaching a Pastoral Theology class when my mobile phone went. It was from Heather, my wife. I thought, ‘this is it’. Then I heard it, “Mum’s
A Question to Ponder March 17, 2015 Acts 23:1-5 reads, “And looking intently at the council, Paul said, ‘Brothers, I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day.’ And the high priest Ananias
Consequentialism Some Curious Admissions From Sam Harris March 12, 2015 While hanging out with the guys over at Very Bad Wizards, an atheistic podcast that discusses morality, philosophy and culture, Sam Harris made some fascinating comments...shall I say concessions? As one of
Sharing in the Sufferings of Christ March 10, 2015 Of all the doctrines expounded on the Lord’s Day, our sharing in the sufferings of Christ is perhaps one of the most neglected topics. This isn’t to say that the subject
G.K. Chesterton Weekend Edition March 07, 2015 “But the new rebel is a skeptic, and will not entirely trust anything. He has no loyalty; therefore he can never be really a revolutionist. And the fact that he doubts everything really
Satan and Genesis 3:15 Reflections on Genesis 3:15 March 03, 2015 “The LORD God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust
2015 Desring God Conference for Pastors Audio Picks February 24, 2015 If you haven’t had a chance to check out the 2015 Desiring God Conference for Pastors, do so. There was an excellent assortment of speakers and messages. The topic was sin. They
Got 5 Minutes? February 19, 2015 Do you find history a bit boring, especially when it's recounted online? It tends to be done on sites with numerous pages of information, much of which is barely readable because
Theodicy The Skeptic and the Problem of Evil February 17, 2015 The skeptic looks around at the world and concludes that there is a profound problem. He sees that evil is a real and terrible thing, a power that not only creeps about in
Let The Nations Be Glad February 10, 2015 "Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age
How Might the Faith Chapter Read if it Were Written Today? February 03, 2015 What if the faith chapter (Hebrews 11) was written today? How might it read? This thought struck me the other day. Whether Moses or Abraham or Rahab, these saints trusted in God, looking
What Has Love Got to Do With It? January 30, 2015 When John writes, ‘Beloved, let us love one another’, what does he mean, and does it matter? Is it not a bit liberal to be writing about love on a Reformation blog post.
Is Adnan Syed guilty? The Guilt (or Innocence?) of Adnan Syed - Serial Podcast January 27, 2015 The murder of Hae Min Lee, a popular senior at a Baltimore high-school in 1999, has captured the attention of many Americans. This is due in large part to a well-produced and masterfully
Desiring God January 20, 2015 I want to call your attention to one of the most paradigm changing and delightfully powerful books I’ve ever read. It is a work written by John Piper, and it is called
Christus Victor A Trampling Church - A Brief Reflection on Romans 16:20 January 13, 2015 It’s an easy verse to miss. Tucked away in the final chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans, sandwiched between his personal greetings and doxological conclusion, the following words of promise
A response to Peter Enns Crass Plagiarism? The Problem of the Relationship of the OT to Ancient Near Eastern Literature – John Currid January 06, 2015 After listening to these three lectures, I felt like a carnivore at a steakhouse. Everything was tasty and meaty. Ever since the discovery of ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian texts, the question of the
Are Christians bored with God? December 31, 2014 Much has been written about the wave which has swept through the church, of a craving for well orchestrated, talent led, aesthetically pleasing worship? Some denounce it, others question it, many have tried
Gay Marriage Andrew Sullivan & Douglas Wilson: Is Civil Marriage for Gay Couples Good for Society? December 30, 2014 For a spirited and illuminating debate on the subject of gay marriage consider watching the following: If perchance you are more like me and would like
Sounds of Joy December 23, 2014 A Few Songs For Your Joy:
Christus Victor A Humble and Triumphant King December 16, 2014 “Earthly kings and princes,” writes Edwards, “when they are about to engage in any great and difficult work, will put on their strength, and will appear in all their majesty and power, that
2014: Movies, Books, Games, and Good Listening December 09, 2014 As another year nears its end, I thought it would be fun to toss out a few things that have been particularly memorable/enjoyable for me. Here I’m thinking more in terms
Liberal theology A Review of “The Bible Tells Me So” – Noel Weeks December 02, 2014 Peter Enns continues to slide further and further. I do not remember where I heard it, or when I heard it, but I distinctly recall an atheist saying, when asked about the perspective
Is life meaningless What Woody Allen Might Say To Lawrence Krauss November 25, 2014 During a recent Q&A session with Lawrence Krauss, we hear the following: I always find it striking how ardent atheists speak of the