health care The Difference Christianity Makes April 29, 2020 During health crises like the coronavirus pandemic, Christianity and its influence often make the difference between life and death.
COVID-19 Birthing Life and Hope Amid Fear March 31, 2020 When death is all around us—and our own powers have so far failed us—Christians know that God is a God who brings life out of death. That is our hope.
sin and salvation God, Guilt and Then What? January 30, 2020 The recently translated masterpiece Lucky Per dramatically depicts the struggle of faith today and shows why we need Christ.
evangelical Why I’m Still in an ‘Evangelical’ Church January 01, 2020 Evangelical churches may not preach about sin and salvation enough. But the fact that they still do is why—despite the unpopularity of the name—I still belong to one.
humility Humility, Not Hubris, Leads to Greatness November 30, 2019 Instead of striving for advancement, we should serve others in love. Humble as our work may be, Christ uses it to advance His great kingdom.
vocation Unbelievable: Netflix Shows Christian Faith at Work October 07, 2019 Through a Christian detective, Netflix shows that faith in action gives hope to others because it makes it possible, in the midst of a world filled with evil, to believe in a good God.
Image of God Why God Made Us in His Image September 30, 2019 What is the purpose of being created in the image of God? He made us in His image to create and extend orderly communities of selfless love across the globe.
Devotions The Diet of Devotion August 29, 2019 Too often, we try to live spiritually on a diet of milk—which distracts our minds from seeking the things of God and prevents our hands from serving the needs of others.
vocation An Occupation for Every Saint July 31, 2019 Joining our work with Jesus’ larger redemptive purpose is the job of every Christian—regardless of which class they happen to fall in.
religious liberty Breaking the Siege June 29, 2019 To break the siege mentality we should adopt the kingdom mentality—knowing that Christ is controlling everything for our benefit and His ultimate victory.
Work Just Showing Up May 30, 2019 The principles of presence and prayer can, in Christ’s kingly hands, turn our common labor into something distinctively Christian and uncommonly good.
children Why Moms, Dads and Bosses Need Kid-Focused Careers April 30, 2019 The first time God told men and women to work—in the Garden of Eden—it was in a conversation about having children. The two go together, for both parents.
culture Cultivating Earth and Eternity March 30, 2019 Christians are called by Christ their king to cultivate both earth and eternity. These two callings are distinct but never separate, and both glorify God.
Work 3 Keys to Meaning at Work February 26, 2019 When we put our work in Christ, He makes all of it meaningful—even the failures—as part of His larger mission.
contentment How Our Minds Are Built—and Broken January 30, 2019 The more we understand our brains, the more we can trust that God’s word gives us the right instructions for living. He tells us to enjoy what we have and trust Him to give us what we don't.
vocation Thanks a Million December 29, 2018 If God can work through a million people across the globe to bring us coffee and bread, imagine what He can do—and will do—to help us with more important matters.
purpose Millennials Can't Buy Meaning November 30, 2018 People are trying but struggling even more today to find meaning because greater prosperity and more personalized technology have pushed materialism and individualism to crowd out other options--like Christianity.
William Symington How an Old Book of Theology Changed My Life October 31, 2018 William Symington, for those with ears to hear, will tell you the meaning of life. It will tell you what we’re all doing here, in this life, on this earth.
Church A Nation That Doesn't Pray Together, Doesn't Stay Together September 29, 2018 Why are Americans so divided? Because when fewer of us, both liberal and conservative, go to church, more of us view politics as the only hope.
faith Faith Comes When I Can't Fix It August 29, 2018 I see now that the Christian life is really a daily acknowledgment that I can’t do what the Bible says, and crying out for God to do it for me.
vocation Jesus' Miracle for Mondays July 19, 2018 There really is no secular-sacred separation in our lives. As Jesus builds His church, He invites us to labor with Him on Sundays and on Mondays.
doctrine of sin No Divinity, No Decency June 29, 2018 One of the ways God preserves humanity is by restraining our selfishness, even in those who don't believe in Him. Otherwise we would destroy ourselves.
Christian living Christian Calling Means Mixing Metaphors May 30, 2018 Only when we meld the Bible’s metaphors—being sojourners and soldiers—can we perform our work rightly in this world, neither idolizing it nor evading it.
Poverty How the Proverbs Turn Poverty into Prosperity April 19, 2018 It’s an election year in the United States, which means politicians across the country will trot out plans to help Americans “get ahead” with either new spending programs, more tax breaks, or
Cross 'Good Friday'—The Best Answer to the Problem of Evil March 30, 2018 Today—when millions of Christians around the world set aside time to remember Jesus’ death on the cross—we see that God Himself experienced the problem of evil. Yet in that very moment He also showed His complete goodness and His total control.