testimony to grace Streams in the Desert March 25, 2025 It is a profitable exercise to consider the many providences of God that He ordained to bring a person to faith in Christ. This includes not only the proximate ones but also those that are more distant. There are many long streams that supply the river of God’s saving grace into a person’s life.
Handel Handel's Messiah February 25, 2025 The author masterfully weaves together the stories of a number of people who made a significant contribution to the production of Handel’s Messiah. He is skillful also in setting these stories in the broad historical context. The book is an engaging, informative and satisfying read.
Immigration Immigration January 28, 2025 Immigration continues to be a pressing matter in our country. Problems are easily identified but solutions are hard to find. It seems timely to reconsider basic principles as we seek wisdom to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God.
gospel In the Bleak Midwinter December 22, 2024 In the Bleak Midwinter is a Christmas carol that deserves more attention than it gets.
thanksgiving Abundant Thanksgiving November 26, 2024 Thanksgiving is a frustrating time of year for gardeners. The vegetables are long gone except for some root crops that can endure early frosts. Kale, of course, is so nasty that the frost
associate pastors Bits & Pieces 1 October 22, 2024 Thoughts on Associate Pastors The pattern of pairs in pastoral ministry sets a model for this. Sometimes the pairing is mentor and intern (e.g., Moses & Joshua, Paul & Timothy) but also
abortion Reproductive Bondage September 24, 2024 I am seeking to expose the gross brutality of those who clothe this abomination in politically seductive terms. This is an effort to be serpent wise and dove innocent. It is challenging to do both.
ten commandments The Big Difficult: Louisiana & The Ten Commandments August 27, 2024 First, and most important: the foundational element of the ten commandments is almost always missing from public discourse and display. This most important element is the preface.
Visible Church Body Parts July 23, 2024 In polls with a political purpose, it is astounding to hear the significant number of people who claim to be Christians who also said they hadn’t been to church in years or even decades. Is being a vital part of a church’s life and ministry necessary or even important for a Christian?
The Amen Say "The Amen"! June 25, 2024 The Amen is a biblically warranted element of public worship. It is to be vocalized by the congregation together, in response to the things heard from another, at the direction of the one leading and to the praise of God.
unbroken Not Unbroken June 04, 2024 “Unbroken” is a powerful movie about the amazing fortitude of the human spirit under vicious and relentless abuse. The book by the same title continues where the movie ends, recounting the struggles Mr. Zamperini had when the war ended and he returned to his home in California.
Memorial Day Remember May 28, 2024 What does it mean to “remember”? It is more than a mere thought or even a lengthy meditation. Remembering is a purposeful bringing to mind in order to take relevant action.
love neighbor A Good Neighbor May 07, 2024 Christians are not just another special interest group that makes demands of our community and culture. We are here to serve, not be served. And we serve by being good neighbors. As a good neighbor, we must be there.
pastoral ministry An Apology for Retirement April 30, 2024 These things are not universal truths. They are merely the testimony of my experience and of limited and particular application. If it fits, wear it. If not, don’t.
pharoah Fearing Pharoah March 26, 2024 The hardening of Pharoah’s heart, by himself and by the Lord, is often thought of as a moral dilemma.
Marriage Divorce March 05, 2024 Our concern for our churches and communities should not focus on just one departure from the original splendor. It is in the whole that beauty is perfected. Still, the beauty of marriage requires our particular attention in these times.
God's Love When Will I Be Loved? February 27, 2024 Everyone wants to be loved. This is an important truth for every community because, if someone is not loved, they find it difficult to love. You can’t give what you’ve never received. Just as surely as most abusers have been abused, so also those who love have been loved.
Mediatorial Kingship Clowns & Jokers February 06, 2024 The lyrics of a wonderful song from my youth (Stuck in the Middle with You by Stealers Wheel, 1973) keep coming to mind as our presidential politics descend further into chaos. Perhaps you will see how fitting the words are to our tragic comedy.
abortion Abortion: Who Cares? January 24, 2024 Why should I care if other people kill their children? If my neighbor murders their children, there are fewer neighbors I need to love, and fewer voters and culture warriors to contend with. This logic is selfish and destructive and must not be indulged.
refugees City of Refuge January 02, 2024 Let us take care of our own, be a refuge for someone and, together, aspire to fulfill the high calling of our own Safe Haven by becoming a true city of refuge.
merry Merry New Year! December 27, 2023 Newness is the reason and purpose of Christmas. Jesus came in order to make us new by means of His life and work. These two things belong together. Therefore, Merry New Year!
Peace Peace on Earth: Middle East? December 23, 2023 “Peace in the Middle East” is such a long-standing pressing need that it has become a cruel joke for a platform in beauty contest satires and other portrayals of impossible aspiration.
thank offering Thanks Giving! November 23, 2023 A word of thanks with a gift of thanks is a full expression of gratitude.
Pastoral Calling Don't Let Your Sons Grow Up to Be Pastors: A Lament for Pastor Appreciation Month October 25, 2023 There’s an old country song that warns mothers not to let their babies grow up to be cowboys. There ought to be a Gospel song that warns mothers not to let their sons grow up to be Pastors because that also is a lonely life.
Suicide Suicide Prevention Month September 27, 2023 Don’t kill yourself. Trust God to take care of you in life and in death.