Discontented Beggars December 22, 2023 "It is too much for a child to be discontented in his father’s house, but if you have taken a poor beggar boy, who lay begging at your door, into your
Antichrist Blesses Same Sex Couples December 18, 2023 God is not the author of confusion (I Corinthians 14:33), but of peace, and godliness, and of order. Today the Roman pontiff, speaking on behalf of Jesus Christ and his church declared
In God's Timing: Encouragement for Seminary Students November 20, 2023 Students for the ministry are often ready to go before they're ready to go. Students are, at times, discouraged by the slowness of the presbyterian process, the long seminary experience, and
The Table of the Lord November 03, 2023 Recently I was asked about the practice of coming to a physical table during the celebration of the Lord's Supper. This practice is one that is very ancient and I would
Remember Sybil October 18, 2023 Orlando just had its 🏳️🌈 Pride Weekend, complete with a fair-like atmosphere downtown, thousands and thousand of sexual tourists, a rainbow themed parade, and an evening of fireworks. The parade's Grand Master
Super Thoughts on Superscripts September 19, 2023 Recently I had a conversation with a few other preachers concerning the superscriptions within the Book of Psalms. This conversation made me to reflect on my own ideas concerning the superscriptions and their
CS Lewis on Reading Dead Guys August 14, 2023 There is a strange idea abroad that in every subject the ancient books should be read only by the professionals, and that the amateur should content himself with the modern books. Thus I
Fair-Weather Presbyterians July 28, 2023 Presbyterians did I call them—no, I do mistake, Such are not presbyterians, who do their church forsake. Midst misery, a' times, standing alone, As by test, true presbyterianism is shown. But
The Covenant of Grace is Better July 13, 2023 There are many ways to compare the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace. If you need a refresher on the two, I would suggest reviewing chapter 7 of the Westminster Confession
What Happened at RPCNA Synod 2023? June 24, 2023 The Psalmist says, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him (Ps.
Theoretical-Practical Memorial Day May 29, 2023 Here are some thoughts on Memorial Day that I sent to my congregation this morning: Memorial Day became popular after the First World War (it started after the Civil War) as graves of
Gospel Mourning March 28, 2023 Jesus said, "Blessed are those that mourn." It is in this gospel mourning God comes to his people. The Spirit gives comfort as we mourn for sin and the effects of
Is it Okay to Doubt? March 20, 2023 "Is it okay to doubt?" is a question that I received recently from a young woman in my congregation. This is a broad question, but one that I think is important
Restore Us Again: A Presbytery Sermon on Psalm 80. March 06, 2023 There’s a certain level of honesty that is needed when we assess where we are as the Great Lakes Gulf Presbytery of the RPCNA. It has been said that in the last
Liberal Christians: A Hundred-Year Oxymoron February 20, 2023 One hundred years ago this month, in February of 1923, J. Gresham Machen published Christianity and Liberalism. Dedicated to his mother, J. Gresham would, with the charm of a gentleman and the power
Salvator Mundi: I Can't Imagine it! February 17, 2023 In 1978, art historian Joanne Snow-Smith quietly began a movement. She argued that a dark and ominous painting of Jesus Christ called Salvator Mundi was a long lost Leonardo Di Vinci. Through the
Productive Christians: Worth Imitating February 02, 2023 Last week in Romania a 2000 year old, fully intact, Roman road was discovered. It was well-built and intact. Many Roman era roads are still used today. This road was built in 106AD.
Thanksgiving Day: The Presbyterian Holiday November 24, 2022 Happy Thanksgiving. Giving thanks and being people of gratitude is something that the Scriptures call us to as a people. In one sense, thanksgiving, is part of the character of the Christian church
Yelling from the Sidelines November 04, 2022 There are ministers that are in the trenches: preaching, teaching, discipling, counseling, and serving Jesus in the church. And there are those who want to be called ministers, but merely criticize from the
An Experimental Truth Concerning Backsliding September 26, 2022 "It is an experimental truth that ought never to be overlooked, that when a believer has once begun to back-slide and leave his first faith, he seldom stops short at his first
Despair In the Midst of Abundance September 05, 2022 Yesterday the CFO of a major US retail chain jumped to his death in Manhattan, with the NYPD reporting that he "appeared to suffer from injuries indicative from a fall from an
A Jesus Misjudged? August 31, 2022 What is Christ doing in his church? What are the ways that we should interpret the--sometimes dark--providences of God in building, reforming, censuring, or comforting the church? We are not as skilled as
What Happened at Synod 2022? June 25, 2022 The 190th annual synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America met on the campus of IWU in Marion, Indiana. Rev. Bruce Parnell (Stillwater, OK) began with preaching on “taking up the
Reforming Church Discipline May 11, 2022 From his "exile" in Cambridge, England, Martin Bucer (1491-1551) wrote a letter to the Reformed pastors of Strasbourg. In that letter he commended the traditional three marks of the church, with
My Slave, My Choice. May 05, 2022 In chapter one of The Great Gatsby, the character Tom, spoke at a party and discussed the early twentieth-century science of racial theory. He said, “Civilization’s going to pieces...if we don’