ninth commandment Breaking the Ninth Commandment on a Global Scale - and what confessional, Reformed Christians can do about it . . . February 27, 2023 God has provided us with unprecedented means to redress an egregious historical and ongoing defiance of his holy law . . .
3GT 3GT Episode 205: Taming the Cage Stagers November 17, 2020 Scott is back! Barry found him a fan! And Kyle sounds like who? Though this episode starts off all over the place, the 3GTers finally hone in on their topic by stepping into
3GT 3GT Episode 198: Reformed Mythology September 29, 2020 When it comes to Reformed theology, people have many misconceptions about what it actually teaches. On this episode of 3GT, the guys slay some of the mythological dragons that loom large around Calvinistic
eschatology "It's the End of the World As We Know it," and Calvin would feel fine (albeit slightly chippy) ... March 12, 2020 Christians among the most materially blessed people in the world and in history advocate an eschatology that gets us off the planet before “things get really bad.” Try selling that “end times” theory to Christians in ancient Rome’s gladiator arenas! Or now, to Christians in North Korea.
Calvinism Why Are Some Reformed People Such Jerks? December 11, 2015 Almost ten years ago I read a piece by R. Scott Clark called: “Why (Some) Reformed People Are Such Jerks. []” The article was intended to address, as
Calvinism Browse Worthy: Boning Up on Our Doctrine October 15, 2015 Two of my favorite bloggers have done helpful series recently on doctrine. You would do well to sharpen your minds by reading these carefully written posts. First, Kevin DeYoung reminds us of the
Calvinism For Whom The Bell Toils . . . May 09, 2013 Rob Bell is back, and the critiques of his latest work are coming in. I’ve not yet had the opportunity to read What We Talk About When We Talk About God, but
Calvinism Flower Power: T.U.L.I.P. Analyzed and Applied March 19, 2013 James tells us in 1:22 that the person who hears God’s word without doing God’s word is engaged in self-deceit. Obviously, self-deceit is subtle. How are we to know when
Calvinism Totaled Image Bearers December 28, 2011 With this entry, I'll begin a series of meditations upon the meaning and application of essential Calvinistic beliefs. I hope these thoughts will encourage all who read and be a particular
biblical truth Coming to Grips with Calvinism, part 2: Transformational Truth December 13, 2011 ** **The last (and first!) entry ended with a plea to consider the claims of Calvinism for whatever biblical truth they may represent and expound. This next series of entries will examine (relatively briefly)
5 points Coming to Grips with Calvinism, part 1: A Protestant's (ongoing) Reformation December 02, 2011 I'm deeply thankful to have been invited to write for this site. I thought I'd begin by introducing myself in light of the site's name and nature.
Calvinism Of God’s Eternal Decree September 11, 2011 In the Exodus account, a book brimming with God’s sovereignty- not least of which includes Paul’s citation of 9:16 in the ninth chapter of Romans- one is nevertheless confronted with