messiah A Throne Established Forever: Jesus' Legitimate Reign December 25, 2024 Jesus, the eternal King from David's line, reigns with justice, peace, and love. His boundless, everlasting dominion fulfills God’s promise. Respond with faith and worship.
typology Doubling Up on Typology March 01, 2021 As we grow in our understanding of the Scriptures, we recognize that God uses typology in the Old Testament to foreshadow events or persons in the New Testament, particularly Christ and His salvation.
Christ Above the Clouds December 22, 2016 Earlier this week, while visiting Great Smoky Mountains National Park with my family, I was reminded of the fact that no matter how dark things are in the valleys, the sun is always
Christ The Hatred of Adam's Hatefilled Race December 04, 2014 Watching the news and hearing conversations over the last several weeks has been very hard. The media circus and endless commentaries surrounding Michael Brown and Eric Garner should cause Christians to pause. There&
Christ My Eyes Flow With Tears November 28, 2014 A few years ago a little book caught my attention. Though I had read it before I noticed, for the first time, that it was unlike most books I had ever read. It
Christ Distance Education February 28, 2014 If you were told that a friend had suddenly become ill to the point of death, would you not do everything you could to get to your friend as soon as possible, especially
Christ Whatever, part ... whatever... November 04, 2013 In the previous entry, we considered Paul’s willingness to give up “whatever” in order to gain a right standing before God, a standing only attainable by faith in the risen Christ (Philippians
Christ Whatever ... November 01, 2013 What do you desire most in life? And how much are you willing to give up in order to gain it? Is there anything about which you’d say: “I would give whatever
abraham Texts Over Which To Weep October 10, 2013 Does God ever seem cruel to you as He’s portrayed on the pages of Scripture? You come across something God says, does, or commands His people to do and you cringe, thinking:
Christ Paul's Agony May 17, 2013 Christian conversation about pastoral ministry often includes the expression “a pastor’s heart,” but what does that expression actually mean? Though Scripture may not use the exact phrase in question, it absolutely answers
Christ Priceless words about the Psalms December 16, 2011 An interlude in the blog series on Calvinism - here are wonderful, heart-felt and heart filling words regarding our Savior's relationship to the Psalms - “Here the language of the Bible