gospel In the Bleak Midwinter December 22, 2024 In the Bleak Midwinter is a Christmas carol that deserves more attention than it gets.
Politics Be Radical: Don’t Let Politics Hijack the Pulpit— Christ is King October 09, 2024 Keep Christ as the focus. Don’t let politics hijack the pulpit. Speak more passionately about Jesus than any political leader—He alone is King.
Mediatorial Kingship Clowns & Jokers February 06, 2024 The lyrics of a wonderful song from my youth (Stuck in the Middle with You by Stealers Wheel, 1973) keep coming to mind as our presidential politics descend further into chaos. Perhaps you will see how fitting the words are to our tragic comedy.
Carl Trueman Jumping Into the Rabbit-Hole November 24, 2020 It’s not simply the LGBTQ+ community, or progressive liberals who have been influenced. We may not be eating the same apples but we’re eating from the same tree. Too much has been yielded to the modern self by Christians who, equipped with their Bibles, should know better.
Politics Give Thanks. Life is More Than Politics November 19, 2020 When I sit down for the Thanksgiving meal, I'll thank God I was able to participate in politics this year. But I’ll also give thanks that life is much more than that.
Politics Count it all joy ... if the other guy wins September 30, 2020 If the person we don’t vote for wins, let us respond with joy. Because even bad leaders create opportunities for Christians to serve.
Church A Nation That Doesn't Pray Together, Doesn't Stay Together September 29, 2018 Why are Americans so divided? Because when fewer of us, both liberal and conservative, go to church, more of us view politics as the only hope.
Politics Justice: Between Certainty and Doubt September 28, 2018 If I can admit it, it's this that gives me a measure of gratitude for what we have in Christianity. As the senate committee stumbled and fumbled in their confusion, I was led to be thankful for the way the wisdom of God meets us in that uncomfortable place.
Poverty How the Proverbs Turn Poverty into Prosperity April 19, 2018 It’s an election year in the United States, which means politicians across the country will trot out plans to help Americans “get ahead” with either new spending programs, more tax breaks, or
Christianity in America Calamity Brings Clarity November 09, 2016 _The following is an adapted version of a message I preached during the chapel service at Geneva College, just hours after our nation elected our new President. _ _In God's kindness, __the
Church Planting In This Election Cycle, Remember the Sabbath (and the rest of God’s moral law) October 12, 2016 Need a break from election-season stress? How about embracing the break God built into creation from the beginning? The Sabbath day is such a beautiful gift from God. Through it, the giver of
Amos Let Justice Roll Down July 08, 2016 It has been a tumultuous week. Of course, in a very unfortunate way that almost seems normal. Turmoil, discord, confusion, and anarchy appear to be the new normal. That's the society
elections You're Not Electing a Pastor-in-Chief March 15, 2016 It's campaign season. That either excites you, frustrates you, or--if you're like me--a little bit of both. On the one hand it's fun to follow along with
abortion Of Christian Courage, Contemptible Candidacies, and COFFEE March 09, 2016 How much of our Christian courage is a function of the comfort and convenience of our surroundings? How much of our boldness in Christian witness would wilt if the cozy accoutrements of a
Combat Women in Combat, Presbyterianism, and Cases of Conscience December 07, 2015 Presbyterianism has its advantages. One of those advantages is giving the church a framework by which to answer difficult questions. Last Thursday Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced that all U.S. military combat
abortion The Blog to End All Blogs? A Post-Election Plea November 07, 2012 Many thanks to Barry York, James Faris and Nathan Eshelman – and by extension to Dr. Joel Beeke! - for your heartfelt articles pertaining to the national elections (forgive me if I missed any