abortion Browse Worthy: Planned Parenthood July 16, 2015 Though being mainly ignored by the mainstream media, the video capturing a Planned Parenthood executive talking about selling body parts of aborted babies is all over social media. What makes this sickening tape
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission Russell Moore Interview of Rosaria Butterfield November 11, 2014 The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission [http://erlc.com/] of the Southern Baptist Church held their national conference at the end of October on the topic of "The Gospel, Homosexuality, and the
Albert Mohler Browse Worthy: Presidential Inauguration Controversy January 16, 2013 Recently, an evangelical pastor named Louis Giglio [http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/01/10/louie-giglio-pulls-out-of-inaugural-over-anti-gay-comments/] withdrew from participating in the president's second inauguration ceremonies last week. His reason?