Textual Criticism Textual Confidence August 27, 2022 Has God’s word been deliberately tampered with over the years? Have verses teaching the deity of Christ been systematically removed from our Bibles? Are the differences between ancient, modern and Reformation-era Bibles
God's Love Our Heart Telescope December 19, 2016 In 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope was launched, making it unique among attempts to peer into the universe. As Hubble orbits the Earth, it does so above the atmosphere, which distorts and even
biography Fair Anwoth by the Solway December 16, 2016 I used to keep a copy of the _Letters of Samuel Rutherford _ [http://www.wtsbooks.com/letters-of-samuel-rutherford-samuel-rutherford-9780851513881?utm_source=kborg&utm_medium=blogpartners] on my nightstand to read each evening before going
Christopher Hitchens Ponderings January 13, 2012 _Read recently of a godly minister long deceased that, _ though he ministered to multitudes, "avoided sensationalism." Some leading ministers in our day would do well to have such a goal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ _Witnessed