abortion Roe, Dobbs & King Jesus July 06, 2022 Several years ago I read Russell Kirk’s The Roots of American Order. Kirk argued, “The the law is revealed to save man from self destruction.”[1]However, by “save” he meant “restrain.
euthenasia A Lament for Sally (and the rest of us) July 02, 2015 There is a difference between freedom and autonomy (literally, self-law). Freedom allows flourishing within a defined context conducive to life. To bloom bright and beautiful, flowers are “constrained” by their need for water,
abortion Browse Worthy: Gospel Wars July 25, 2013 The Supreme Court & DOMA [http://www.desiringgod.org/blog/posts/doma-and-the-rock] - In light of the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act, Rosaria Butterfield gives her unique albeit