Alyssa McElheny A Wedding in the Woods July 07, 2016 Only the Lord could take one day of heart-breaking tragedy, combine it with another day of anticipated joy, and transform it into a time of overflowing grace and beauty. The day of tragic
mind Preaching to the Mind July 04, 2016 Sometimes we preachers fail in the pulpit simply because we forget what we are up against. We think if we are just pleasant enough or clever enough or loud enough, certainly we will
al mohler Browse Worthy: Trinitarianism and Complementarianism (Part 3) June 30, 2016 As has been noted by this first list of articles [] then another post [] , a fascinating and important debate has
James 3:17 The Mask Will Not Work June 27, 2016 In a book on World War I that we have, there is a haunting picture that you can see above. The photo shows a line of a few American soldiers in France coming
21 Questions with Washington Florist Who Refused Gay Couple June 24, 2016 This video needs to be seen by all. [embed][/embed] []
Anslem of Canterbury Don't Be a Bozo! June 20, 2016 Do you know who the first Bozo was? When you hear that question, you may think I’m talking about the clown and who first played him. We'll get back to
Jim Brauker Friction June 16, 2016 Recently I was out in the woods hauling some things with a wheelbarrow. As I tromped down the hill, with the weeds, grass, and briars brushing against my legs and arms, I was
Complementarianism Browse Worthy: Trinitarianism and Complementarianism (Continued) June 14, 2016 Some other articles have appeared that I believe shed some further, needed light on the discussion of the Trinity that I chronicled here [] last week. As
A.W. Tozer The Lord's Supper is a Heavenly Meal June 13, 2016 In the Lord’s Supper, we look back upon Christ’s sufferings. We know that communion is a memorial meal that we do, as Jesus instructed, “in remembrance of me.” We understand that
Bruce Ware Browse Worthy: Trinitarianism and Complementarianism June 10, 2016 A fascinating debate is taking place on the blogosphere regarding the Trinity. Initiated by a defense of the complementarian view (that men and women have differing yet complementary roles in the home and
Browse Worthy: Living Christianly June 09, 2016 A smattering of recent posts that will encourage you in your walk with Christ! The Ten Pleasures [] David Murray restates the Ten Commandments by beginning
Fourth Commandment Obedience School June 06, 2016 We have been enjoying a long weekend with my daughter and her family in Manhattan, Kansas. One of the fun parts of visiting them was attending the church plant to which they belong.
Andrew Melville A Troubling 17th Century Presbyterian "Tweet" June 02, 2016 What if a “tweet” about government interference in the church put you in prison for four years? Then eventually banished you from your country for the rest of your life? Such was the
Memorial Day A Memorial Day Meditation May 30, 2016 number of years ago now our family took a vacation eastward and southward where we focused on learning more about the Civil War. We had been studying this war in our home schooling
Browse Worthy: Eternity Etched on My Eyes May 26, 2016 With Browse Worthy, I usually take thematically related links and put them together every week or two. However, today's link deserves a space all its own. Katie is a dear friend
Blogging The Backside Blessings of Blogging May 23, 2016 Like the businessman whose only measure of success is the bottom line or the pastor who only looks at how many people are in his church's pews, bloggers can also be
Bathrooms Browse Worthy: Bathroom Battles May 19, 2016 I never thought I'd have a blog post with this title. With three children sharing a bathroom at home, we do sometimes have minor skirmishes in this area. Yet they are
Bruce Jenner Answering This Generation's Question of Essential Identity May 16, 2016 Each news cycle brings with it one more saga about sexual and gender identity. North Carolina establishing bathroom laws against transgender usage. The mayor of New York City restricting travel to the state
Touching Elisha's Bones May 10, 2016 Remember the story surrounding the death and burial of Elisha, the great prophet of Israel? The one who possessed a double portion of Elijah’s spirit, and who directly opposed the wickedness and
Edward Donnelly Worms and Fire May 09, 2016 Like growing, unsightly graffiti, ugly whitish-gray sacks have been developing in the branches all along the small trees in the woods running along the back of our property. These webs are the homes
John Owen Help from John Owen on Not Entering into Temptation May 05, 2016 In the Garden of Gethsemane, as Jesus was praying about his upcoming crucifixion, he told his disciples in Mark 14:38, “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.” We could
Do Justice April 25, 2016 In mercy ministry, often Micah 6:8 is used for motivation and guidance for obvious reasons. > He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of
Jon Penning In the Twinkle of an Eye April 21, 2016 Last Saturday afternoon was a warm, sunny day, full of promise that spring was finally here. Spencer, Miriam, and I were putting up the awning over our back porch, the threat of heavy
Charles Spurgeon Avoiding Hyper-Calvinism as We Preach April 18, 2016 Could it be that, in heart and practice, many of us in Reformed churches are not preaching evangelistically because we allow our Calvinism to bind us rather than propel us as it should?
Christopher Watkin Podcast Recommendation: Christopher Watkin on Jacques Derrida April 14, 2016 Usually Austin does the podcast reviews around here. Also, philosophy is far from my strong suit. So I am not recommending the following to usurp Austin's place or try to show