Christian Apologetics GenRef Podcast: Christian Apologetics with James Anderson November 18, 2014 It was our pleasure to speak with Dr. James Anderson, Associate Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary. Specializing in religious epistemology and philosophical theology, Dr. Anderson brings to the table
A critique of dispensational theology Left Behind Theology - A Critical Look November 11, 2014 A young lady recently asked one of the authors here about the “Left Behind” phenomenon, and specifically the theology undergirding the perspective. She wanted some help understanding the viewpoint. Since we haven’t
What will heaven be like The Unimaginable Excellencies of Eternity November 04, 2014 The last paragraph in C.S. Lewis’ famous children’s series, The Chronicles of Narnia, contains a thought so heart-shatteringly wonderful, it causes the human mind to shut down... or skip... or erupt
Jonathan Edwards on apologetics Christian Apologetics: A Preeminently Spirit Empowered Task October 28, 2014 In part III of Religious Affections, section V, Jonathan Edwards writes with penetrating insight, “Unless men may come to a reasonable, solid persuasion and conviction of the truth of the gospel, by the
Is There Any Point In Trying? October 28, 2014 God tells us that we are to discipline ourselves for godliness. We are to train ourselves to be godly. But how many of us actually take Him seriously? I mean, be honest, do
Dr. James Anderson - Audio and Articles October 21, 2014 Dr. James Anderson, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, has made some of his works available for free. He is an exquisite blend of Van Tillian thought and analytical
abortion The Logic of Abortion ~ Or Why a Mother Can Kill Her Baby October 14, 2014 Mara Clarke of the Abortion Support Network (a pro-abortionist organization) recently debated Scott Klusendorf on the Unbelievable radio show. When pressed as to why it is morally permissible for a pregnant woman to
Ignatius thrown to wild beasts Devoured for Christ- Ignatius to the Romans October 07, 2014 There is nearly unanimous agreement that Ignatius was martyred sometime during the reign of Trajan (AD. 98-117). Writing to various churches before his death, his letters emphasize unity and truth. Ignatius is also
faith Hologram Faith October 02, 2014 Doors Open Days are great for the above average sized family like ours. It’s an initiative which gives you free access into a number of fascinating buildings. Last weekend it was Edinburgh’
Are there objective morals without God The Game of Ethics in a Godless World September 30, 2014 Picture an aquarium full of only dirt and rocks. Now imagine that this represents the sum total of reality. There is no mind beyond the walls of that aquarium, no watching eyes, nothing.
Christus Victor The Irony of Sin September 23, 2014 On the night before his meeting with King Xerxes and Esther, Haman, in accordance with the counsel of his friends and wife, had a seventy-five foot tall gallows built exclusively for the neck
Bruce Ware and Wayne Grudem Carl F. H. Henry Center for Theological Understanding (Three Audio Debates) September 16, 2014 Here are some theological debates that might be of interest. Each can be found under “Ministries/Trinity Debate” over at the Carl F.H. Henry Center website. * **Do Relations of Authority and Submission
Romans 8:20-22 A Lesson From Natural Evil September 09, 2014 It’s reported that while attending a divine service on a wintery day, Sir Isaac Newton left in his study a favorite little dog named Diamond. Apparently a candle had been left lit
Of Angels and Men September 02, 2014 The question of Satan’s fall into sin has been an issue of considerable intrigue throughout the centuries. Theologians have burnt oil long into the night pondering the subject, trying to thread together
Backsliding The Real and Present Danger of Drift and Neglect August 28, 2014 Neglect is not a pleasant subject, and it does not engender positive feelings within us. Stories of the death of an elderly person who has lived, not by choice, as a virtual recluse
A Good Bit From C.S. Lewis August 19, 2014 Taken from Mere Christianity, chapter 9, Counting the Cost: "That is why we must not be surprised if we are in for a rough time. When a man turns to Christ and
Anthony Selvaggio The Pentateuch is Christian Scripture July 31, 2014 One of the foundational convictions of reformed theology is the unity of Scripture. There is, we believe, one covenant of redemption that God reveals and accomplishes through history, from Adam all the way
forgiving like Christ Forgiving Others July 15, 2014 When you’re hurt by someone- really wounded- you're forced to think through the matter of forgiveness afresh. This has been the case in my own life. How ought one to
eschatology A Roundtable Discussion on Eschatology July 08, 2014 In case you missed it, Sam Storms, Jim Hamilton, Douglas Wilson, and moderator John Piper came together to discuss eschatology. If you're looking for a good conversation topic- something to enliven
help with faith Truth In Mendacity July 02, 2014 Man is a very confused creature. Merely consider the vast multitude of worldviews and religions, and how humanity understands reality in nearly every imaginable way. Flip open a textbook of comparative religion. Turn
The Epistle to Diognetus May 29, 2014 Considered by Lightfoot to be the “noblest of early Christian writings*,” the Epistle to Diognetus serves as a truly fascinating letter. Composed in the second or third century, the epistle provides a glimpse
Why Can't Life Be Like Video Games? May 23, 2014 As long as I can remember, I’ve loved games. Nothing much has changed since the days of the arcade room (save trying to get those pesky change machines to actually take my
John Piper New Calvinism Audio Picks May 20, 2014 A few audio picks for your edification and enjoyment: • Dr. John Piper, former Pastor for Preaching and Vision of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN, spoke at the seventh annual Gaffin Lecture on
Canaanite destruction GenRef Podcast: Jewish Holy War May 02, 2014 “When Israel had finished killing all the inhabitants of Ai in the open wilderness where they pursued them, and all of them to the very last had fallen by the edge of the
Best Christian Lectures 16 Messages That Will Transform Your Life. (The Last 8) April 15, 2014 Without further ado, the next eight: The Curse Motif of the Atonement [], R.C. Sproul The Goodness of Sex and the Glory of God [http://www.